Scrappers Walk Tradition / Ritual in Ethnis | World Anvil

Scrappers Walk

The Scrappers Walk is a party and ceremony that takes place when a Scrappers reachs the age of being able to don a suit and enter the void of the Wayhall for the first time.

The event is witnessed by friends and family, and it is typically an older generation who guides the new Scrapper into the Scrapyard. It is followed by a feast and framing of the new Scrappers first haul.

It was Ur'ri's first day into the void, and by guidance of his fathers hand, he removed the gravity in the airlock and opened the door. The initial rush of venting air pushed both of them into the color-shifting void of the Wayhall.

In front of him, the vast expanse of the Scrapyard awaited him. His fingertips pushed at the welding claws, feeling the vibration of there lightning.

His first piece of treasure was out there, and with his dad giving him a push, he shot towards the nearest ship to find it.

A Coming of Age in a Timeless Place

On the Junkberg Bermuda, there is no sun and so there is no day. Keeping the time is a purely mechanical function, which makes birthdays and coming of age a difficult concept.

To the Scrappers, age is not counted in years, but in shifts survived. When a child grows able and strong enough to be sent into the Scrapyard, a Scrappers Walk ceremony is held.

The Scrapper who has reached the age will enter the Scrapyard under the wing of a more experienced family member or gaurdian. This first training helps ensure that a stupid mistake doesn't claim the life of new blood.

When the Scrapper returns successful, their first salvage is preserved for them to keep as a lucky charm.

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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