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The Natural Order

The Natural Order is a group of Druids and a suborder of the House of Sorrows which believed that Monoliths should serve rather than rule. They were ruled by Taboo, who died from her wounds during an assault on the monastary of Debuk'kwah.

The Natural Order persists today, both as a descendant of the original belief maintained by Taboo's protege, Hiive, and as sympathetic splinter factions and cults which have arisen over time to carry on the legacy.

Most members of the natural order are Anthro in nature, with aspirations of becoming leviathan like Taboo and her Chosen. This interest in body modification gives thiem a sizeable influence overlap with Transmog culture, though perhaps it's more accurate to say that the larger and more pervasive Transmog counterculture has a heavy influence on the Natural Order. Symbols from each belief system crop of often in the other.

Hiive appears from time to time, dispensing an apocrypha of wisdoms for its followers to make sense of. It is believed that there are a core group of protectors under its command, but it's hard to find evidence amid the noise of the busy universe.

The Natural Order is responsible for the downfall of several colonies, which collapsed when during the Lacuna when thge learned the had way that their methods of terraforming were borrowed from Hiive and had set many worlds on a path towards the ecology overpowering the colonies of a world.

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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