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The Sonoma Immigration Office

Made around 20XX, the Sonoma Immigration office was built to handle the influx of immigrants following distasters across the country. Today, it remains in use by occupying Aempis as a way to process refugees from the Exclusion Zone.

The main purpose of this building, from an Aempian perspective, is to separate the useful from the not. Skilled laborers who can rebuild pre-collapse technology are moved south of the wall, where they work in labs to refurbish old machinery under Aempian watch. Everyone else remains north of the wall, where they are permitted to live within the old cities and are supplied with rations by the Jhoutigari.


  • Jhoutigari Outpost: To protect the workers and administration in the event of terrorism or revolt, Jhoutigari maintain a presence within the Office Campus.

  • Processing Offices: Long lines, gruff guards, and lots of paperwork. It's not uncommon for arguments to break out between migrants and the workers.
  • Detention Center: For those who cause issues in the second and are handled by the fisrt
  • Embassy: When immigrations become a political matter (which is often), ambassors and diplomats are at the ready to enforce process and speak on the behalf of their benefactors.
  • Church: The Aempian Temple of Euphra maintains a large chapter within Sonoma, both to help the locals and to attempt to convert them to belief in Euphraesthi and the Wheel.

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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