The Terraformation Accords in Ethnis | World Anvil

The Terraformation Accords

Drastically change planets responsibly


The Universal Steps to Making a Planet Habitable

Step 1: Evaluation

The first stage of any terraformation of a world involved evaluating the cost, risk, and reward of creating a habitable planet. This can involve years of deliberation and observation of a planets pattern. Proximity to asteroids, potential weather patterns, strange gravitational shifts, and many more astronomical events can foil a terraformation process.   This process can take decades to complete and has taken up to a century.

Step 2: Seeding an Atmosphere

Once a planet is deemed suitable, the terraformation can begin. The first stage of terraforming the planet is to seed an atmosphere on the planet. This is a complex project requiring the use of massive meta-ships combined with massive reserves of gasses that can be pulled from nearby bodies.   The planet is set to a proper rotation velocity to promote gravity, and gas is slowly implanted until it forms a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere suitable for most life.

Step 3: Sculpting Geography

Once an atmosphere has stabilized, the meta-ships above can lower themselves closer to the planet and use Meta Immolation and Combination to carve mountains, fill seas and rivers, and flatten potential land for building on. This process typically is headed from the operating Banner's requirements and the simulated most stable geography.   The geography is left to sit for several years to ensure strength in the tectonics and weather patterns.

Step 4: Establish a Ecological Chain

Depending on the desired outcome of the planet, wildlife is imported to simulate a particular chain of flora and fauna. These creatures are placed on the world and left to fend for themselves for approximately a decade or two. One reason for this is to stabilize the landscape through natural means. The other is to weed out any situations in which the planet would become unlivable.   During this period most of the ships leave, and in their place, massive terraforming towers are left in the low atmosphere.

Step 5: Establish Colonies

Once the planet has been stable for several decades, the owning Banner can start leasing out colonist space to potential citizens. These colonists are sent onto the planet with a colony ship to operate from. These colonies can range from one thousand to ten thousand individuals. They are equipped with the equipment to build structures and establish cities.   The waves of colonists grow larger and larger from there until there is a stable presence on the planet.

Step 6: Maintain

The final step of the process is by far the longest. The terraformation towers are left on the planet indefinitely, maintaining the ecology and structure of the world automatically. They float around the planet, making micro adjustments to temperature, or bring rain the drought struck areas. They are programmed to do this by the original terraformers of the planet.   These towers are secured by some of the most complicated meta-spells available, but in the case that one grows faulty a Meta-ship or a specialized crew of meta-engineers can repair them within days.
There are so many chances for us to play the Wheel in our lives. We can create life, we can destroy it.   Yet no where is our power more apparent than in our ability to make natural habitats for billions out of nothing but rocks and gas.
— Terraforming Engineer

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


Author's Notes

100 Days of Ethnis

This article was done as a part of the 100 Day Project!   See more on Twitter, World Anvil or Instagram!

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