Stofiote Settlement in Ethrun | World Anvil


Stofiote is a military and economic superpower, with a shady track record, especially among its own citizens. Many countries have their eyes on Stofiote, trying to figure out what they might be up to in there, but the country is constantly ahead of their competition thanks to the use of cautious tactics and zero tolerance for suspicious behavior.



Stofiote is Urdic's most populous country and the 5th most populated country of Ethrun. However, Stofiote's population is quickly reaching a plateau, meaning there is very little projected population growth in its future. As a result of this, the county can afford to rely less heavily on food imports especially when coupled with the development of their new Aeropaunics Technology. The average Stofiote household only has 1.87 kids. This is likely a result of distrust for the government that has existed since word of the HH Projects they were conducting got loose. When paired with the fact that the government requires 6 years mandatory military service from all Stofiote citizens you get both an environment that not many parents seem to want to bring their children into and a recent movement advocating for the transparency of the governing parties. But because of Stofiote's relative lack of discrimination, the country holds the title of the most diverse country in Urdic despite (and even as a result of) its track record.  

Demographics By Province

  Verdalis: Verdalis is perhaps Stofiote's largest province, primary in terms of population not so much square mileage. It Houses not one, but two of Stofiote's biggest cities, Verdun, Stofiote's largest City, and Beniere, Stofiote's 5th largest city. Home to 21.1 Million and 6.8 Million inhabitants respectively. Verdun is a bustling cultural hub covered in Neon that seemingly never sleeps and blends together the best parts of nearly every culture present. Whereas Beniere is actually home to a major Dwarven population and actually established itself as an old mining colony in the past. Now there's not much more mining to be done, but the caves do still attract many people from miles around for its natural hot springs and the occasional story of the fabled Moon Riders. The rest of Verdalis is pockmarked with smaller cities, military outposts, and the stretches of wilderness between them. Verdalis' total population count adds up to 101.64 million inhabitants or 33% of Stofiote's population.   Rondalis: Rondalis, also known as the Farming Province, is known primarily for its open plains which make it an ideal territory for farming even if its soil may not be the most fertile as for some reason it does not host much wildlife; however, though this use to be burdensome for farmers of old a new advancement in Stofiote's agricultural technology, known as Aeroponics, has completely transformed its farming industry. Thanks to Aeroponics farmers can now grow vertically meaning larger food yields and less dependence on the land. This has opened up vast stretches of Rondalis for testing a new and experimental form of Energy known as geothermal. Despite the Rural setting, Rundalis does have a surprisingly large population claiming home to about 80.08 Million inhabitants, or 26% of Stofiote's citizens, whom just enjoy the simplicity of a rural lifestyle.   Kindralis: Kindralis is another of Stofiote's plain regions. Here much of the land is used for even more Geothermal plants as well as factories for both commercial and military production. Leading it to have a very high population of desperate workers willing to do manual labor, including hybrids. The population in this region is 48.51 Million people or 15.75% of Stofiote's population.   Valis: Valis is home to Valdun, a major fishing district, and head of operations for Stofiote's largest black market site. In recent years The Stofiot government has begun cracking down in the region, but whoever runs the operation there seems to always be one step ahead of the game. The region is home to a population of 30.9 million or 10%   Bronkalis: Bronkalis is yet another region known for its flat landscape, but not much else is really notable about this location other than the fact that there it has no sizeable populations centers save a small military outpost called, Brondun whuch serves as a supply stop and quarters for troops in the area. The population here is 28.49 Million people or 9.25% of the population.   Jotoralis: If Verdalis is the largest Province of Stofiote then Jororalis is certainly the wealthiest as it claims home to all of Stofiote's wealthiest members of society. Commoners dear not even glance in its direction with any glimmer of hope to make it in one day. Jotoralis is home to the capital city Jotorun (pictured above). Jotorun is home to the many business deals the government makes and the HQ of every single one of Stofiote's major corporations. It may be one of the smallest Provinces only housing 22 million or 6% of the population but it most certainly does enjoy the most lavish standard of living in the entire country.  


Stofiote is a government which supports freedom of religion. Meaning they have a high percentage of many of the worlds religions appearing in it's boarders.


Stofiote is a Feudal Oligarchy. The highest level of the government is run by 6 political figures, known as Kings. Each King is responsible for representing a particular Province; however, these Kings each have a number of "Nobles" that report to them about the well being of their charged regions within the Provence. All these individuals exist within the top 1% and are pretty well acquainted with one another as a result of Kings typically choosing "People they trust" to serve as their Nobles. As a result getting into the government is very difficult without already having a strong connection there.  

Political Divisions:

Stofiote's prominent organizations are the ones who truly hold the power here commonly buying influence from the Kings. So, the divisions of power often appear in the form of struggles against these companies interests.  

Transfer of Power

Nobles run for King of their respective Provence and Nobles are selected by a board of the 6 kings after one has been nominated by the king of a particular province. Kings positions are replaced every time a king resigns and Nobles positions are reelected any time king of a particular province decides it is necessary.  

Foreign Relations

At one point in time, Stofiote had a very strong diplomatic relationship with Belwark. This, however, was before Belwark began their period of isolationism. Stofiote does still manage a slow but steady pattern of Imports and exports with the country though. Stofiote also has many dealing with the countries of Ashola and many food imports as well as Naval protection from a large nearby island country known as Debalyio. Nearly all of Stofiote's other Alliances are with Smaller countries that exist nearby, this is mostly because of the smaller counties' fear of Stofiote and because of the larger countries' skepticism of Stofiote.  


Today the power and command of the military falls under one man separate from The Six Kings. This individual is named Percy Walsh, an Older Half-Elven gentleman from the Province Jotoralis. He is Magistrate of War and has been for 68 years now. Meaning he has total command over the Army, The Coastal Watch, and is responsible for coordinating with Debalyio's, 'Lord of Navy'. In Stofiote there is a mandatory six-year conscription, though this time may eventually be raised as a result of the declining birth rates. During a time of war, any citizen who has already had proper military training can be redrafted back into services for the country.  


The Army has two major divisions. There is The Civil Division, comprised of all choosing to serve only their mandatory four years and The Guardian Division, those who have sworn their lives to the military, which is a surprisingly high percentage of the population, about 13.4%. Though both Percy Walsh and his predecessor, Jordyn Burs, certainly wouldn't mind seeing that number go up.   The Civil Division: The Civil Division is typically responsible for jobs such as street patrolling and police work, night watches, low-level intelligence work, mechanic duties, etc. All the entry-level and grunt work positions. However, IONAC has a screening process that scans for individuals who may be liable to be swayed into The Guardian Division with the correct cohorsion. These individuals are given a much better tastes of higher level work to show them what they could potentially be apart of.   The Guardian Division: The Guardian Division is Varsity if The Civil Division is JV. It comprised of The Military's best and brightest members, even if they didn't start off that way. The Guardian Division is comprised of three major branches: Alpha, Beta, and Delta. Though, some claim a secret fourth branch that only its members know about exists.  
  • Alpha:
Alphas are designed for espionage, surveillance, and covert operations. They've been modified with faster reflexes, enhanced physical senses, agility, and memory, as well as a better perception of time, and increased muscular density.  
  • Beta:
Betas are the Army's frontline soldiers and physical engines of destruction. They are enhanced to have dense bones and muscles as well as higher muscle mass, making them incredibly strong and able to take a beating. Atop this, they also have enhanced cardiovascular capability for improved stamina and a much higher pain tolerance.  
  • Delta:
Delta's are your intelligence officers, investigators, and technical operators. They've been modified with higher computational capability, better pattern recognition, improved memories.

Industry & Trade

Stofiote makes a majority of its money from Militaristic and technological advancement and trade, as well as the distribution of energy through steam tanks, and minor entertainment in the form of traveling theater shows and what not.

Income, Wealth, and Poverty

Large wealth gaps by each section of society with the Upperclass making up 3% of the population and owning 96% of the wealth.



Skybus Sky Buses are a new and inivative form of cheap public transportation that offers Stofiote Citizens transport across the country. These buses typically have a max capacity of 80-130 people, depending on how far they are meant to travel. The fantastic thing about Sky Buses is that they don't require incredibly grand scales facilities, like an airport, to operate, just a few large stops in Stofiote's major cities.   Zoom Tubes Zoom Tubes cover transportation between nearby buildings in the same district. They are handy for sending mail or quickly traveling from place to place yourself and provide an efficient medium for transportation of information allowing companies to communicate incredibly effectively.  


Steam Tanks

Steam tanks are the main unit of energy in Stofiote. They are simply canisters of pressurized steam designed to eke out steam with enough force to rotate a turbine to power vehicles, households, and other parts of society. Steam Tanks are completely reusable requiring that you only refile them at designated stations when one runs out of steam. They are also incredibly reinforced with military technology capable of withstanding most gunshots as if one is punctured they will explode as they are incredibly pressurized. This makes them incredibly expensive to manufacture and further incentivises that they are reused. Geothermal Stofiote has several geothermal plants that exist in the Provinces of Rondalis and Kindralis. These plants tank pressurized steam and distribute them to the other provinces for use or distribution. These Geothermal plants are a new and experimental development, but do seem to be working incredibly well for the country and have only caused minor earthquakes in a few situations.   Hydro Power Along every major naturally occurring waterway exists a water plant whose job it is to produce, pressurize, and package steam using the power of the naturally occurring water.  

Water Supply and Sanitation

Stofiote has working sewage that uses Zoom Tube technology to transport waste. Because of this hardly any water is used in their sanitation as pressurized air is used to transport and sanitize their infrastructure.



Education in Stofiote is broken down into 3 major sections. You have Primary school where young students learn and develop basic problem solving and knowledge. This section typically last from years 3 to 14. After 14 students can choose to enter Preliminary school or join the lower tier of the work force, such as your mechanics, sewage plant workers, street cleaners, clerks, and what not. If they enter preliminary school they start by developing schedules that allow them to explore their interests giving them a better idea of what they'd like to study officially. People who graduate Preliminary school are capable of getting decent jobs in many fields but typically have little leeway to climb the social latter. After Preliminary school comes university where students must choose a direction to specialize in. Most degrees of universities are STEM focused a Stofiote is very science and technology oriented. Though they select schools do allow for specialization in the arts and business. And, of course, at any point in a students educational career, they can drop out and join the military.

Guilds and Factions




At the Start of Stofiote's future, it was thought best to keep the running of the country separate from the running of the military. So there was a separate committee for both, The Six Kings, and the Magistrates of War, but the Magistrates of war found that dividing the power of the military between three individuals was awfully inefficient and in a historical decision the Six Kings decided to restrict the power of the military to one person. Through this person, the military structured and renetworked. As history progressed Stofiote became the target of many attacks due to the type of population it harbored. So, future Magistrates of War began gaining more and more funding to better improve the military, but after war was over they argued to keep their funding citing that they needed to be able to continue improving the military in order to protect Stofiote from future attacks.So, with that, a new branch of the Military, known as Omega, was formed. Omaga began to gain more and more Autonomy as time went on and eventually IONAC, was formed. Since then IONAC has been leveraging its power with its many successful contributions to the military. It has now reached a point of reliability that makes it nearly infallible, even if the rest of the government does choose to look the other way in regards to their methods.  


Today IONAC is responsible for the formation of The Guardian Division and the creation of new military weapons and experiments.


The contry experiences a high consentration of Rain (thanks to its constant steam emissions). It also has many monutains and valleys running through it.

Natural Resources

Geothermal, and water.

Stofiote 3

Continent: Urdic   Location Type: National Territory   Government: Feudal Oligarchy   Population: 308,547,178   Total GDP: 19 Trillion GP   Magic Dependence: Low
Ethnic Groups:
  • 20.12% Human
  • 18.2% Dwarven
  • 15.01%Half-Elf
  • 14.52%Gnomes
  • 13.1%Elven
  • 10.11% Hybrids
  • 9% Cyclops

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