
Aenica's breadbasket

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  Lisil is a relatively small country on the continent of Aenica, a narrow land joining Ethis to Tiresar. Both its east and west are coastlines, with the Gulf of Lys to the east and the Shimmering Waves to the west. Its climate is temperate, with a mixture of grasslands and forests, with fertile soil perfect for agriculture.   About a century ago, Lisil constructed a long canal that cut through their country for just over a hundred miles, connecting the two coastlines. This quickly became a desired shipping route, as it meant that trade ships did not have to make the long journey around the southern tip of Aenica. Lisil imposed taxes on those that use the canal, and as a consequence is currently one of the richest countries in Etrea.   Lisil is a plutarchy, ruled by seven merchant kings known as argents. Each argent maintains dominion over a set of guilds and looks after the guilds' interests in meetings with the other argents, as well as the interests of Lisil as a whole.

Cover image: by ThuyHaBich (edited)


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