Lord's Rock Tunnels Building / Landmark in Etrea | World Anvil

Lord's Rock Tunnels

A dark labyrinth

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  Underneath the castle of Lord's Rock is a vast network of tunnels, deliberately carved into the rock throughout the centuries. They travel from secret rooms under the castle all the way down to the coast outside the harbour. They are labyrinthine in their construction, and are almost impossible to navigate without prior knowledge.   Originally, the tunnels were constructed as an escape route for the Elenasia family in times of crisis. In practice, they have been used for smuggling and other illicit activities. Around twenty years ago, the Lordshadow foiled a plot against the Elenasia family and, when the conspirators fled into the tunnels, he hunted them. Since then, rumours that the tunnels are haunted have only increased.

Cover image: by Linus Sandvide


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