Talisman of Protection

Keeping travellers safe

This article was written for Summer Camp 2024. Therefore it is unpolished and lacking formatting and information. Feel free to comment with any questions or requests for clarification.
  In northern Caia, travellers often carry with them a talisman of protection to keep them safe on their journey, whether they are walking to the next village or hiking across the continent. These talismans consist of a square piece of dyed blue fabric, tied into a bag with a dyed red string. Contained in the bag are some specific ingredients, plus a few extra that are personal to the wearer. These bags are usually worn attached to a belt or hung around the neck. Though there is no proof as to the effectiveness of such a talisman, travellers rarely leave home without one.   All talismans contain dried white soldier mushrooms, yew leaves, a river stone, and the dried petals of the catobel flower. Other common inclusions include dried hunter's grimberries, sage leaves, spirit nettle leaves, and lunar cap mushrooms. Many people also include a lock of hair from a loved one, such as a parent or child, to maintain a connection and to help guide them home.   If a talisman is lost during a journey, it is taken as a sign that the traveller has been saved from a great danger. If the fabric bag is ripped, however, that is taken as an omen of bad luck.

Cover image: by Matt Phillips


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Jul 12, 2024 15:47 by Aster Blackwell

I bet these smell really nice!

Jul 12, 2024 19:04 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Yes! I do too! :) Thanks <3

Jul 28, 2024 11:10

Is there a symbolism behind the colors of the bag and the ingredients used?

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Jul 28, 2024 19:17 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Definitely! I'll have to work it out properly when I expand the article later, but the white soldier mushrooms used symbolise a warning of danger and are believed to grow near where hags have their lairs. :)

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