The Drystian Steamstack

A demonstration of steam power

This article was written for Summer Camp 2024. Therefore it is unpolished and lacking formatting and information. Feel free to comment with any questions or requests for clarification.
  Built in 5340 EA, the Drystian steamstack is a one-of-a-kind vehicle that runs on the recently discovered steam power. It was created by engineers in the Drystian city of Caragal as a proof of concept, demonstrating that steam could be used to power vehicles able to transport goods between Dryst's major cities. Following its introduction, city officials gave their permission for bigger, more powerful steam locomotives to be constructed, and plans were drawn up for the first railway line between Caragal and the city of Rendan.   The steamstack worked by using a coal fire to heat up a large tank of water to boiling point. Steam from the water would be channelled through pipes in the engine and used to power pistons, which would turn the wheels of the steamstack. This would give the vehicle forward momentum, allowing it to reach speeds of up to thirty miles per hour.
For its inaugural demonstration, the Drystian steamstack pulled a carriage load of people along Caragal's main street. It was then demonstrated that a pair of horses were unable to pull the same carriage, showcasing the steamstack's superior strength.   Today, the steamstack is rarely used. It sits on display at the Drystian Locomotive Factory, where bigger and better engines have started to be built in its image.

Cover image: by Nick Nice


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Jul 1, 2024 19:07 by Aster Blackwell

Good ol' steam power! I like this article but I think it could use some unique flare that makes it feel like it's part of a fictional world instead of Wikipedia. Great work!

Jul 1, 2024 21:02 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Thanks! It's definitely something to change when I've done more worldbuilding in this region. :)

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Jul 2, 2024 09:56

You're steaming through these prompts! Sorry not sorry   What was the reaction of the public when they saw that this weird construction of a machine could pull ahead a cart full of stuff, whereas two of their trusty horses couldn't?

Jul 2, 2024 11:02 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Shock and excitement. The people of Dryst are quite divided on this new technology, honestly, but I think even the detractors like the idea of being able to transport goods easier.

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Jul 10, 2024 02:30 by Rashkavar

Nice! I think you might be good on the engineering front, unless you want to get deep in the weeds of how exactly a steam engine creates motion (which I'd enjoy but....I have an engineering degree, tech like this is very much my niche for excessive detail.)   I guess the two main questions I'd have about this are: Does steam power in Etrea differ from what it is in real life? Though I guess that might be better positioned in a broader article on steam power as a concept rather than this specific iteration of it. --and-- What was the public's response to this development? Societies rarely embrace new technologies without any pushback, no matter how obviously beneficial that technology is. Indeed, with the advent of the steam locomotive in real life came a number of absurd claims about the unprecedented speed of such vehicles would strike a person dead merely to observe, that the sight of such a vehicle coming into a town would cause widespread panic, etc. (Though in fairness, these claims were largely magnified by a press that was even more obsessed with sensationalism than today's TV newscasts.)

Jul 10, 2024 11:09 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

My favourite claim from real life is that a woman's uterus would fly out of her body if she travelled too fast.   Thank you very much for the questions. I'm definitely planning an article on steam power, especially as it is a relatively new technology in Etrea. I *do* like excessive detail, just there's not the time during Summer Camp for many many research. There's so many things I'm excited to delve into post-Summer Camp XD

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Jul 11, 2024 11:45 by Rashkavar

Oh gods, lol, I'd forgotten about that one!   And yeah, totally get that Summer Camp is not the time for getting fully in depth.

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