The Fish Mother Character in Etrea | World Anvil

The Fish Mother

Ancient deity of fishing

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  The Fish Mother is one of the ancient deities worshipped in Tiresar. She is depicted as a heavyset woman with the head of a carp, holding up a net in her left hand. She is worshipped mainly by fishermen and is invoked to ensure a good catch. Two fish are always thrown back into the water as thanks.   The Fish Mother has only one existing temple, which is located in the capital city of Athevinel. It is one of the oldest buildings in the city, existing from the time it was a small fishing village. However, squat clay figurines depicting the Fish Mother have been found as far north as the Runav region of Tiresar, suggesting her worship was much more widespread in the past. However, even in places where she is no longer worshipped, fishermen sometimes throw a couple of fish back out of tradition.

Cover image: by Teryll KerrDouglas


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Jan 9, 2024 16:42

Oh, this could be an interesting article. I would like to hear more about her.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Jan 9, 2024 19:20 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Thank you! I'm so excited to explore her more. :)

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
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