The Mother's Heart

Providing homes for children

This article was written for Summer Camp 2024. Therefore it is unpolished and lacking formatting and information. Feel free to comment with any questions or requests for clarification.
  The Mother's Heart is a religious charity based in the country of Caillah, created by followers of the Faith and named after their goddess, the Mother. They own a number of orphanages across the country, which have been set up specifically to take in orphans of the Koushan Mai, especially those whose parents have been executed for practicing the banned religion.   The children are fed, clothed, and given a warm safe place to sleep. They are taught the tenets of the Faith through daily religious instruction in both the mornings and evenings. During the day, they are expected to attend schooling for several hours, and then to work. They are taught both reading and arithmatic, but not to write, as that is not considered an essential skill for the poor. After lunch, the girls work mending clothes or making buttons, whilst the boys are taken to sweep chimneys, or even to dig holes just to keep their hands busy. Some boys who take to the teachings of the Faith well are groomed to enter the priesthood, though being of Koushan Mai descent they are never allowed to progress past the lowest rank.
Children are expected to leave when they are fifteen. Boys are usually passed into an apprenticeship for a trade or into the priesthood, whilst girls are passed into domestic service.

Cover image: by Stephen Talas


Author's Notes

I am very aware of the existence of residential schools in Canada, the US, and around the world, and the harm they caused; this definitely takes some inspiration from that upsetting history. When this becomes a full and proper article, I will include some links to resources for learning more - especially regarding history in my own country, England, where minority languages were stamped out. For now, here is a brief history relating to North America.

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Jul 10, 2024 16:45 by Aster Blackwell

What a perfect, wholesome orphanage that is in no way a guise for assimilating the minority culture <3

Jul 10, 2024 23:25 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Definitely not, they are doing it out of the goodness of their hearts : ) <3

Jul 26, 2024 09:41 by Rashkavar

Oof, good from a certain point of view indeed. A very John A MacDonald sort of good... (I'm very glad to see the author's note there. I'm Canadian, of European origin, and very aware of the mistakes my people have made here; it's good to see that the truth of such matters is getting around outside of our borders as well as within.)

Jul 26, 2024 10:38 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Thank you. When this article is expanded in the future, it's going to need a lot of research and sensitivity for sure.

Jul 28, 2024 12:17

When I read the article, I first thought that this was another supposedly good organization that raises children to be mute, question-free, cheap servants of society. This was then confirmed by your author's comment and the two anvils. Thank you for drawing attention to the topic and similar institutions on earth with your article.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Jul 28, 2024 19:18 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Thank you! I definitely want to do lots of research and expand this article in the future.

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