The Runavine Dam

A controversial boon

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  The Runavine Dam was built across the Wash in the Runav region of Tiresar between 5322 and 5327 EA, taking nearly five full years to complete. A controversial project from the outset - as it involved the relocation of several communities and settlements - it was pushed through by the government due to the argument of the greater good. The newly formed lake would provide a much more stable source of water in Runav, which is prone to drought. Whilst most of the communities forced to move due to the construction of the dam were compensated monetarily, the Duuno, merfolk who lived down river of the proposed dam site, were not. Officially, this was because they do not have a currency based economy.
  The creation of the dam led to the flooding of three settlements in the Runav region, as well as a significant drop of water level in the Duuno's former home. A great lake, known as Alessand Lake, is now held back by the dam walls and provides water for almost half of Runav.

Cover image: by Lode Lagrainge


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