The Tiresians

A celebration of diversity

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  These are a mixed and complex folk who most often claim Tiresian as their secondary identity instead of their first, though younger generations are starting to see themselves as Tiresian first. The country of Tiresar was formed only around four hundred years ago, when the twelve regions that make it up joined together under one government. Though Tiresians are majority humans, there are dragons, shapeshifters, and merfolk who claim the identity as well.   This melting pot attitude goes far back into Tiresian history, and the area has seen noticeably less wars than anywhere else in Etrea. Tiresians have no less than five official languages, and the majority of the people are bi- or trilingual. Around a thousand different gods are worshipped across the country, with no unified or official religion. The only thing that unifies Tiresar is its architecture - sort of. The majority of buildings across the country are built with red sandstone and ironbark sequoia, as these materials are both abundant and reliable, though the style may drastically change between one settlement and another.

Cover image: by ThuyHaBich (edited)


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