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Auzynros (a.k.a. Awful Boy)

Drow founder of the Circle Enshadowed. He was first encountered by the party in the ruined temple beneath Cai Shaan, on the 5th of Stone 15003.    He was buried near the Everqueen's Temple in Cai Shaan.  
Pronunciation: OWE-zin-ROSS

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Small and thin, built for speed more than strength.

Special abilities

Like the rest of the Circle Enshadowed, Auzynros could teleport in whirls of dark mist. Unlike the others he demonstrated, in their second encounter, the ability to teleport in this way even when in the light.   The second and final time the party fought him, he cast a spirit guardians spell. Auzynros had demonstrated no spellcasting potential the first time the party encountered him. He was also able to summon a pair of invisible beings to attack the party, with one targeting Tally and the other Khamet.

Apparel & Accessories

He wore a set of grey robes, heavier than the light garments worn by his companions, and carried a sword which seemed to glow when he summoned the invisible attackers and used his spirit guardians spell.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A founding member of the Circle Enshadowed. Auzynros told Tally he was born in the Underdark, but shamed his house and failed his goddess, and so journeyed to the surface with the intention of making a new life there. It was harsher than he expected, and ultimately he went to live in the tunnels beneath Cai Shaan, having been conditionally forgiven by his goddess. He lived there for about 150 years prior to his death.    His spirit, under Speak with Dead, told the party that the Everqueen appeared to him in a dream and the Shadow Queen told him that the path going forward would be one of reconciliation between the two, and so from there on in he worshipped them both.

Gender Identity

Male, he/him pronouns.

Personality Characteristics


He was determined to kill the Disaster Party, but didn't clearly explain his reasons why. When Tally tried to talk him down he said that Tally was polluted, and corrupted by the surface, and therefore he could not trust their words.


Contacts & Relations

The Circle Enshadowed.
Vaan and Volan (wood elf brothers, former members of the Circle Enshadowed.)

Religious Views

Worshiped the Shadow Queen and Everqueen as 'the Goddess Betrayed' and 'the Goddess Deceived.'
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Amani with a combo mind spike/ray of frost, after an intense battle with the Disaster Party.
Current Residence
Temple Ruins (until death.)
Deep red.
Short, white.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light grey.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Elvish, Common.

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