Greeters Profession in Evenacht | World Anvil


Greeters are the first ghosts that the newly deceased encounter in the Evenacht. Their duty is to calm frightened spirits and lead them to Evening, where they can begin to acclimate to their new home.
In this article:  
artwork by Shade Melodique unless otherwise stated


Æshren Gerant of the Hallowed Collective realized that the newly deceased did not have an easy time of it. Not only did most still experience the trauma of dying, they found themselves in a new world that seemed anything but normal.   After Death's terrifying Judgment, spirits made their way to the Evengates, the entry into the Evenacht. These gates were guarded by two tall, red-skinned beings with tusks and an ugly disposition. Fleeing through the Gates to escape these creatures, their next encounter was with the Fields of the Condemned.   There, they witnessed head after head after head sitting on hillsides, screaming for help. Confused and terrified, they ran down the road to Death's Arch. Once they passed the gate they no longer heard the screams, but that was not a boon. A dark forest lay before them, and they had no idea what to do, where to go. All they knew, was that they were a transparent wisp that could not touch anything.   He formed the Greeters to help the newly deceased adjust to their new existence.
man Moose Photos from Pexels
background Annie Spratt from Unsplash
Hallowed Collective Greeter
by Plato Terentev from Pexels


Greeters are required to:  
  • find spirits that speak their language. This precludes elden spirits unless they are willing to learn modern Talis languages.
  • calm spirits who are distraught over death and running through the Fields.
  • gather up to ten individuals to mentor
  • answer questions, but primarily explain about the Hallowed Collective and the city on the journey to Evening
  • reassure spirits that the Greeter will help them find family and friends and relocate
Upon reaching Evening, Greeters must:  
  • explain to the newly deceased about Ether Touch and guide them in practice, until they are proficient enough to enter the Hallowed Collective's Council Building. They must remain with their group until the last one enters the building.
  • once inside, guide them through the process of taking classes concerning the afterlife and the Evenacht.
  • after their charges have completed as much education as they are willing to learn, they help them research where to find friends and family in the Relocation Center.
  • they make certain that the newly deceased has a way to make an income and a place to live before they bid them goodbye.
  Many Greeters are still seen as authorities by the ghosts they helped, and can be contacted years and years later when the spirits need further help. Spirits may be so impressed with the aid they received, they become Greeters themselves.
by Plato Terentev from Pexels


Most ghosts believe the Greeters' purpose is to aid the newly deceased, and they form attachments to those who helped them. Many Greeters are still seen as authorities by the beings they helped, and can be contacted years and years later when the spirits need further assistance.   Spirits may be so impressed with the aid they received, they become Greeters themselves.   The Hallowed Collective promotes this view, since it plays well with their goal. They wish to be the sole authority that the Evenacht deceased look to for help, no matter where or when. This gives them a power over spirits that no other entity possesses.


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