The Shades of Darkness

  "I still serve, even in death." Therrik paused, and a small, mischievous smile crossed his lips. "Besides, being dead is boring."   The Champions in attendance raised their fists and cheered in agreement.   Darkness sighed, exasperated. "Boring? Perhaps you have not tasted of the Evenacht as you so claim."   "We have," Therrik replied. "We know her gifts are bountiful and precious and worthy of our protection."   Darkness met the eyes of every acolyte in attendance and saw the same conviction. "Then gather your arms. As you protected the Shadow Cave in life, so shall you protect the Evenacht in your death."  

The Shades of Darkness
by our dark and mysterious hero,
Lorgan the Shadowy
  In this Research Document:
all images by Shade Melodique
unless otherwise stated

The Broken Charge

It all began with a newly deceased Darkness acolyte named Therrik--   Um, no. Katta informs me that it all began with the Beast. So I'll defer to him, as he dwelled in the Evenacht during this time (I was several millennia away from being born). So take note--the following is from speaking with this knowledgeable Darkness acolyte about the formation and continued importance of the Shades of Darkness.  
  The Beast did many despicable things, but one of his worst was to allow ghostly offenders to populate the Evenacht rather than sending them to the Fields of the UnRedeemed to contemplate their living failures and strive to become better ghosts. These offenders ranged from average thieves to tyrants who murdered thousands in quests for power and wealth.   The Evenacht became a much less safe place, for both the living and the dead.   Veer Tul pondered how to solve this problem. He was Darkness, not Death, and while his charge dictated he cradle souls during their transition into the Evenacht, it did not include Judging them or overseeing their release into the Evenacht. That fell to the Beast, and the more insidious the offender, the more the Beast liked them and refused to punish them.  
  Therrik was more than just a Champion who brought a proposal to Darkness. He had a way with words, and how he initially presented things, with certain inflections and stresses, became the foundation for the Shades organization.

The Beginning

The Beast took a liking to a serial killer and allowed him to enter the Evenacht without punishment. He continued his gleeful slaughter by sending ghosts to the Final Death, and dared anyone to oppose him because he was favored of Death. The Champions who once guarded the Shadow Cave Temple on Talis met to discuss the problem. A newly deceased Darkness acolyte named Therrik listened to the chatter among his fellow devotees, and put into words what the Champions really wanted.   The Evenacht's promise was to do that which eluded one in life. Other than give birth (the deceased cannot reproduce, after all), ghosts could follow their dreams as long as they did not do lasting harm or send another to the Final Death. The Beast stomped on this sacred promise, and the Champions wanted to protect the most cherished of Evenacht's tenets.   Yes, they had died, breaking the vows to Darkness and Talis they made while alive and allowing them to enjoy the promise of the Evenacht. But what if that promise was to continue as they had, as protectors in the service of Darkness?   Therrik brought their decision to Darkness. Veer Tul met with the group, and within a few days, they had formed the Shades of Darkness.
  Therrik's still involved with the Shades, but takes extended vacations when he needs them. When he's absent, Jovara the Incandescent takes his place as the official spokesperson for the organization. It's her leadership that's led to an increase in Light acolytes joining the Shades. This is why the current logo is a desaturated purple and yellow.  

The Original

The beginning of the Shades was much different than its current incarnation. While modern Shades work closely with Death now, the Beast was a far different deity than Erse Parr. He promoted the worst offenders rather than punishing them, and the Shades had to navigate his wrath to bring those offenders to justice.   This is the origin of the Shade's Mark of Death. When Veer Tul came into his mantle, Old Man Death gave him the Mark as part of his charge, which was to cradle the dead in Darkness as they transitioned from Talis to the Evenacht. He never used it for anything but that until the Beast sent Old Man Death to the Final Death, took his place, and abused his divine power. The charge they shared concerning the deceased was clear, and the Beast did everything to break that pact and make himself the sole ruler over the dead.   Veer Tul refused to acquiesce. He created the Tunnel of Memories, a Judgment experience that separated the evil ones from the rest. Not all walked the Tunnel, so reprobates continued to enter the Evenacht without proper Judgment, but Veer caught many and sent them to the Fields. He took up the entire cradling/Judging responsibility, since the Beast refused to follow his end of the obligation.   Knowing the dangers walking with his Shades, Veer bestowed the Mark upon them, an extension of his own. They, when need be, could Judge in his stead. He reminded them that their quarries had already failed Judgment, and whether he or a Shade sent them to the Fields was inconsequential.   And so the Shades of Darkness began to walk the Evenacht in service to Darkness and his bid to see justice done.
  I'm told the Mark will glow when the Shade is close to their quarry, and that it is a saturated purple if they must sunder a ghost. Otherwise, the Mark remains invisible on their palm to all but those who also have one.  

The Charge

The Shades of Darkness Precepts:  
  • Protect the Evenacht population, whether living or dead
  • This is a joint venture between Darkness and Death. While Darkness acolytes populate the Shades, Death is respected and revered for her upholding the dual charge
  • Hunt ghosts who have entered the Evenacht unJudged and who subsequently cause harm, as well as ghosts who have become menaces during their time in the evening lands
  • Use the Mark only when necessary. It is best to capture the target, then bring them to Death for Judgment. In conjunction with this, never send another being to the Final Death. Always use the Mark as a substitute
  • The Evenacht's promise is still viable. If one needs to break from the Shades to follow other dreams, their Mark will be rescinded and they can do as they wish
  • The tasks set before Shades are dangerous. The Final Death is an unfortunate outcome of some hunts. It is best, if it comes to that, to let the hunted go and regroup. Take the prohibitions against forcing the Final Death on others seriously, including on yourself before you are ready to go
  • Each of the three continents shall have a primary Shades' enclave under the guidance of an Arbiter. These enclaves will found smaller ones throughout their continent
  • The primary enclave will house resources, supplies and necessities, and give advice when asked by smaller enclaves. Each will also have a Darkness altar imbued with a direct line of communication to the Shadow Cave and the Forest Temple on Talis, if it becomes necessary to reach Darkness or Death by that means
  • Smaller enclaves will be self-governing under the guidance of a sanctshade unless dire circumstances arise
  • Do not share hunt details with outsiders unless absolutely necessary. Shades are the unexpected shadows that deal justice, and their identities and assignments are not for average Evenacht residents to know
  Current tenets:
  • In the process of bringing evil to justice, Shades may discover lesser crimes that deserve punishment, just not Field-level punishment. Shades enclaves will maintain appropriate cells to confine these individuals for the length of time Darkness or Death dictate
  • The Shades are not just Darkness Champions anymore. Any interested in protecting the Evenacht may take the oaths
  • Maintain the enclave memorial for those lost to the Final Death. They sacrificed everything for the Shades, and should never be forgotten
  • The enclaves should provide hostel services. Travelers' tales are a valuable resource when hunting for evil
  While based on the Champions of the Shadow Cave, the Shades of Darkness have some obvious differences. The foremost one is the Mark of Death.   This Mark allows a Shades of Darkness agent to sunder a ghostly spirit and whisk their head to the Fields of the UnRedeemed. It's rarely used, as Shades prefer to capture the wayward ghost and return them to Death for Judgment. Sometimes, this is impossible, and for the safety of the Evenacht and themselves, they use it.   Once the Condemned arrives in the Fields, the agent visits Death to tell her about the sundering, and she can alter the punishment as she deems fit.  
  Verryn Traquin is the only other deity with the Mark. Before he became Passion, he, as Death's Consort, spoke with her Voice throughout the Evenacht, and some of what he did was bring the most vile to justice. The Shades treat him with the same reverence as they treat Death, and if he issues commands, they follow them.   Talis may not have the Mark, but the enclaves trust him as they trust Veer. Rumor has it that he's participated in hunts, and taken his share of the corrupt to Death for Judgment.   Whether she takes his advice on appropriate punishment is another story.  
  The Shades run a hostel, one mainly open to families of those they've incarcerated, but random travelers stuck on the road are welcome as well.   Whether a specific Shades enclave is a hostel or not depends on the sanctshade and whether they want to manage one. Most do, since gossip rides with the travelers who seek shelter with them. By speaking with these guests, they can discover problem ghosts before they are officially brought to their attention.  


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