The Shadows

Among the Shades live the Shadows. They walk through their afterlife as one blessed by Darkness, without others realizing they hold a special place in Veer Tul's affection.   They are his chosen Champions in the Evenacht. Not all are Shade enclave sanctshades, but many are. Those who don't reside in an enclave have missions not even their fellow acolytes know about. Veer Tul personally asked it of them, and they take their charge as seriously as a thirsty man lost in a desert takes water.  
--Katta, avatar of Darkness

by our surprised hero,
Lorgan the Listener
  In this Research Document:
all images by Shade Melodique
unless otherwise stated

Shades of Darkness

I admit, my religious leanings are non-existent. Even after meeting Death before entering the Evenacht, I haven't spent time revering syimlin. They have plenty of acolytes willing to pray and give offerings; they have no need of me to do it.   Not to say I was indifferent; I very much paid attention to local worship that could affect the Redemptions I was on. But if said worship did not impact my quest, I ignored it.   One group that I often encountered was the Shades of Darkness. The members have a charge from Death to hunt those ghosts who have warped the promise of the Evenacht and harmed others, a task that is neither easy nor enviable. They meet the Final Death as often as Finders, proving how dangerous their work is.   Each continent has its share of Shade Enclaves, which primarily house their acolytes. Some enclaves have cells for ghosts who have committed wrongs, but which are not egregious enough to send them to the Fields of the Condemned. They ponder their existence for however long it takes for them to realize their wrongs, and then they are set free. Some enclaves have hostels for travelers. I've stayed at more than one; they are a convenient resting spot.   Sanctshades lead the enclaves. I never thought more of Shade hierarchy than that, until I overheard Katta and Qira speaking of Shadows.


I, despite my long years of Finder research and investigation, had never heard of Shadows. Intrigued, I delved into my research materials for Laken's Redemption. I did not recall reading about them, but that did not mean I never made a note or two about them. When you have finished over a thousand Redemptions, it's simple to forget what you've skimmed over.   I found mentions of them, notes in passing. Apparently Shadows are the most secretive of Shades agents, and many take on the most difficult hunts for the most dangerous criminals. They are close to Veer Tul's heart and will perform any task he gives them.   Since my notes did not tell me much, I gathered my bravado and asked Katta about them.   He was not reluctant per se, but he admitted that the Secrets of Shadows needed to remain thus. He did tell me that Veer considered Shadows his personal champions in the Evenacht. They had missions that other Shade acolytes knew nothing about and reported directly to Darkness or Death.   I find it odd, that Shadows are Darkness's champions, but few know about them or their missions. They seem to have a title higher than that of sanctshade, but never make use of it. They go on the most dangerous of missions, and they don't seem to receive accolades for it. Perhaps Veer gives commendations or rewards? Thankless jobs can wear a spirit down--I know, I was a Finder for many years.
I have so many questions. Can one give up being a Shadow? What happens when they need to out themselves? Do other Shade acolytes know they exist, or is it a surprise to them, too?   I don't doubt Katta when he says Darkness holds them in high regard, but most religious individuals I know who have a syimlin's favor never keep it secret. There are obvious benefits to proclaiming a close relationship with one's deity.   And now I ponder, is Katta a Shadow? That would explain his reluctance to speak of them, as well as his and Qira's traveling around the Evenacht. Perhaps he, as an avatar, has the most dangerous of tasks assigned to him?   That may not bode well for Laken's Redemption.


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Aug 18, 2024 06:00 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing article and lovely design, as always.   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3

Aug 18, 2024 06:52 by Kwyn Marie

Aww, thank you :)

Aug 30, 2024 05:14 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there again! Just letting you know that I featured your article as one that caught my eye in my Reading Challenge. Thanks again for sharing! God bless. <3

Aug 30, 2024 05:33 by Kwyn Marie

Thank you! Much appreciated :)

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