Wiiv Everlasting

One day, when light breaks the clouds and the winds still, a champion will rise among the warriors. Stong and virtuous, he will gather us together and lead us against the faithless interlopers.   Upon that day, we will prevail. We will crown him rebara and he will gather together other tribes who, too, despise the faithless interlopers. As one, we will drive the last spirit from our home. Gorged on victory, we will spread wide, coat the rainforest, and bring to ruin all that the faithless interlopers have created.   We will destroy the dams, the cities, the towns and the villages of the faithless interlopers. No safety will remain for them, and they will flee the rainforest and its peoples.  
The Prophecy of the Wiiv

as told by shamans who are sworn to the Bendebares oaths
all images by Shade Melodique
unless otherwise stated
The greater Evenacht will see our victories and plead with him to take up arms in their names, to avenge the centuries of servitude and disdain. With growing numbers at his back, he will rid the Evenacht of the faithless deities who capitulated to those who stole our religions and our faithful. He will storm their havens, he will slaughter their followers, he will collect their heads and mount them in temples so all know his power and the price paid for betrayal.   He will hunt the Astri, the cursed people who bought our ruin for their benefit. Their immortality will fall under our onslaught and we will raze their cities and homes and scrape their name from any surface upon which it rests. No future generation will know their name, and they will be dead and forgotten for all time.   With vicious intent, we will drive the faithless interlopers from the three continents. We will drive them from the Evenacht. We will send them to their dreaded Final Death and howl our victory into the winds newly freed of their deity's touch.   We will storm the temple of the Living Death and leave nothing but ashes and blood in our wake. We will rid the lands of her taint and cleanse them with the fire of conviction. We will hunt the faithless Levassa and he will face his betrayal before his blood blots the sands of seashores near and far.   A new era will rise from the remains of the old. Our rebara will bask in the accolades of the repressed, who will finally have a champion, who will finally have their freedom. He will don the crown of deity and lead the cleansing fire through the lands. All that remains will be purely Evenacht, and the peoples will bow down to us and revere the rebara as the sole inheritor of divinity.  
orig archer by fxquadro, Envato Elements
background by joaquincorbalan, Envato Elements
The Wiiv myth has existed as long as ghosts have inhabited the Elfiniti. The other tribes eagerly awaited the hero, but after centuries, they lost their hope and their way. They no longer saw the Wiiv's words as prophetic but wishful thinking.


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