Initiation Day

The Initiation Day among the Elves is on the eighth day from the beginning of the First Hunt when the young hunters have returned from the wilderness and fulfilled their duties to the tribe. The Segai hunters are inaugurated on the summer solstice, and they have to pass a test set by the Chief of the tribe, which can be hunting a specific creature or surviving a life-and-death duel.
On Initiation Day, the entire tribe celebrates together. Successful young are ceremonially greeted by name by the Leader. Where it is customary, this is where their adult name is first spoken, i.e. the name they will use in adulthood. After the presentation, they get their first tattoo, typically the image of the tribe's totem animal. Members of the tribe entertain the initiated adults. In some tribes, they also tell a prophecy about what kind of future awaits them.
Initiation Day is one of the most important holidays in the life of the tribe. The number and abilities of the young hunters determine the fate of the tribe.

Cover image: by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)


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