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Aspects of the Soul

Aspects of the Soul is a philosophical and spiritual treatise on the existence of souls within the Forgeborn written by Unit 00934 whom adopted the chosen name of Jasper. Written as a collection of their thoughts in the waning days of the Magister War (see also: War of the Princes) these notes were collected after the conclusion of the war into small booklets that were distributed among other members of the fighting force. Initially, the Adona Republic military confiscated any of the distributed booklets and did their best to suppress the spread, but were unable to prevent the further disemination of the notes as many of the soldiers distributing them were not only among the Forgeborn, but those of flesh and blood sympathetic to their plight. One individual of note who was instrumental in spreading the booklet was Alexander Dorn, the lead engineer on the original Forge Project who took over after the death of the project's creator, Juliet Black.   In the document, Jasper records their accounts of the various battles against the abberations and undead that they faced, the way in which their human handlers treated them, and the developing sense of self they saw in themselves and others. They make notes on the reasonings why some of their kind seemed to simply shut down with no apparent injury with their bodies in a deep state of rest. There is also a note on the nature of the trauma of war inflicted upon their newly created bodies and minds which made for a particluarly sore note to those proponents of the Warforged Program.   Jasper also theorizes on the reasons why the Great Forge went dormant prior to creating the last of the 100,000 units it was designed to create. They believed that the Forge was somehow aware of them. This reference in the document has led many to believe that the Mother that many of the Forgeborn venerate may be related to the Forge in some manner while others continue to attribute the moniker to Juliet Black.   While it is clear that many among the Forgeborn possessed similar thoughts to Jasper, it was the articulate and empassioned nature of their words that were instrumental in uniting the minds of the remaining Forgeborn in what would eventually become the Forgeborn Independence Movement.


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