Jan Delft

Sessie 11 notes

I tried to run away with Fredrik. Dude shot me from the window, instant losing all my health but he used blunt arrows.   Other 2 meet up with the 3 moons   Talk to Ricollo, see if they have enough time to search or if their has to be delay   Daryan meets new lady, kinda half noble/merchant leve. Has 2 bodyguards Revana Quinn   Roger Quinn exists, pbb father of Revana. Roger's ship was sunk.   Pbb Evil Invited Daryan to go drink with her after teh fight             Was kidnapped to building south of the arena Deep drop, sitting on chair. Dont hear any people around me. Either abandoned or something else is going on. Can only do small whisper. I can see 2 tributes, and see a very distinct black shape moving up to the VIP stand. (Morgan I see)   Ponytail, straight white hair. Grayed (one who attacked me) Justus meets Engelhart     Wanted to know about Morgan and his Ship and the island. Almost killed me, begged her to use me for informationgathering instead of killing me. Told her my real name and position, before I got janked away.

Session 8 notes

Go to Morgan ship. Crew is a bit uneasy.   Magic snake   Snake head nod gives me a head nod.       Li Wei could followe her quite well. She stopped to talk with people here and there         Li Wei punshed her in the face.   Was in a fight, peoplke around him pretty upset. She told people not to kill him.     Punched her and fell down. He doenst know much about the end.,     Rwquest: if you find her, try not to hurt her     She seems to innocent     Spider sense by doctor Rolled 5 succes on case profile   Mud on his feet. Clothes worn out and little too big for him. Could be adjusted to be slightly less big.     'Keep your friends close'     When morrigan says 'maybe is a dog' exacting blade stiffels a bit       Scout out the location.   I go to the west. Are some shrines but gods not being worshipped anymore. In the heart of this you find a temple/shrine filled with moss and vines. 2 big wooden doors, almost faling off Candles lit around it and entrance open. Signs that people came here: steps are swept.   Peope come, leave package there than leave again. People paying tribute, not crime boss level, not religious level.           Awareness levelen?   Offerings: food packets, lit candles. Showl. Things for a person. All secondhand stuff.     Could climb up it from another buliding. Could use the front door. No other normal entrance.       10 pntjes verzameld voor Master Plan meditation       Daryan fought against fairfolk? (Jan does not know this)   Dok Ter is hella weird, supposed to know about 'That stuff' --> solar stuff?     Mom believes in exalted shit it seems   Dok ter becomes crows       Moma daryan is Helen     Set up shop outside house of Daryan / daryan's mother   Pick up small offering

Training Goals

What I want to learn:  
  • Insightful Buyer technique (charm - bureaucracy)
  • Measuring Glance (charm - bureaucracy)
  • Undying solar resolve (charm - integrity)
  • Flashing Ruse Prana (charm - larcancy)
  • Perfect Mirro (charm - larcency)
  • Phantom Hood Technique (charm - larcency)
  • Essence-Lending Method (charm - lore)
  • Listener-Swaying Argument (charm- presence) <- prio
  • Spirit Strengthens the Skin (charm - resistance)
  • Humble Servant Approach (charm - socialize)
  •   attributes:
  • dexterity
  • Intelligence
  • Charisma
  •   abilities:
  • archery
  • stealth
  • awareness
  • investigation

    Goals following a dream

    After returning, Jan will want to:
  • Investigate the artifacts
  • Investigate "Falling Lotus" more --> prio
  • Talk with Morgan regarding funding
  • Talk with Niccolo regarding merchandise
  • Investigate if there are signs of the demon having escaped
  • train