
Name: Nicollo Appearance: A skinny, shrewd man with a balding head and many rings on his fingers.   Background: Nicollo grew up on the streets of the city, learning to fend for himself at a young age. His business savvy and shrewd sense of showmanship have earned him a reputation as one of the most successful promoters in the arena. However, his dealings with local gangs have left him with some debts that he must repay, or face dire consequences.   Intimacies: Sure, here are the updated Intimacies with their corresponding degrees: Showmanship: Nicollo has a deep appreciation for the art of spectacle and showmanship, and is constantly looking for ways to make Daryan's fights more exciting and engaging for the audience. (Major)   Debt: Nicollo has borrowed money from a local gang to fund Daryan's training and equipment, and is deeply anxious about his ability to pay them back. He will do whatever it takes to ensure that he can meet his obligations and avoid the wrath of his creditors. (Defining)   Ambition: Nicollo has always dreamed of becoming a wealthy and powerful figure in the world of gladiatorial combat. He is driven by a desire to see Daryan become the greatest champion the Dread Arena has ever known, as he believes that this will bring him closer to achieving his own goals. (Major)   Loyalty: Nicollo has a deep sense of loyalty to his business associates and partners, particularly those who have helped him to achieve success in the past. He will go to great lengths to protect those he considers to be his allies, and is always looking for new ways to strengthen these relationships. (Major)   Greed: Despite his success as a manager and promoter, Nicollo is never satisfied with what he has. He is always looking for ways to increase his wealth and influence, even if it means taking risks or making shady deals. This desire for more money and power can sometimes put him at odds with those around him, particularly if they stand in the way of his goals. (Major)   Attributes:   Strength: 2 Dexterity: 3 Stamina: 2 Charisma: 4 Manipulation: 5 Appearance: 2 Perception: 3 Intelligence: 3 Wits: 4   Abilities:   Athletics: 1 Brawl: 1 Investigation: 3 Larceny: 2 Occult: 1 Presence: 4 Socialize: 4 Streetwise: 3 Subterfuge: 5   Backgrounds:   Contacts: 2 Resources: 3 Retainers: 1   Merits:   Fame: 2   Equipment:   Rings (various): +1 damage, +1 social rolls Tailor network: Allows for creation and sale of Daryan merchandise, providing a source of income and increasing his fame.   Nicollo is not a physical combatant, but his skills in manipulation, socialization, and subterfuge make him a formidable opponent in the arena of business and showmanship. He has a knack for creating and selling merchandise, using his small network of tailors to create products that enhance Daryan's fame and glory. His many rings are both a status symbol and a weapon, adding to his social rolls and providing a small boost to damage if he is forced to fight. With his connections and resources, Nicollo is a valuable asset to Daryan and a cunning adversary to any who would stand in their way. However, his dealings with local gangs have put him in a precarious situation, and he must carefully balance his loyalty to Daryan with his need to keep these dangerous individuals at bay.