
Ank’Harel translates to “Jewel of Hope” in the northern dialect of the Marquesian language. The city was established as an oasis trading post. A rare source of underground fresh water made this one of the few habitable locations in the vast desert. As more travelers arrived to take part in building this metropolis, unpaved roads were upgraded to stone streets, and walls were bolstered with towers and parapets. Ank’Harel flourished, becoming a cultural melting pot of people from across the continent and some from farther away. Laws. The laws of Ank’Harel are based on the Code of Ord. Theft, exploitation, and murder are the worst crimes, punishments for which range from life in prison to permanent exile from the city. Laws are enforced by the Hands of Ord, the city guard. Offenses for which culpability is in question or that involve particularly heinous crimes are ruled on by the judges in the Cerulean Palace and, in some cases, by J’mon Sa Ord. Religion. Worship of all Prime Deities is welcomed in Ank’Harel. Worship of the Betrayer Gods, when such activity is discovered, is punished on a case-by-case basis depending on the nature of the reverence. Someone in possession of forbidden iconography is typically sentenced to a few weeks of imprisonment, but someone who conducts rites dedicated to a Betrayer God is treated more severely.


Predominantly humans, orcs, and elves


The city is divided into eight districts: the Alluvium District, the Circlet Walk, the Guided District, the Ridge, the River District, the Sand-Herald District, the Sigil District, and the Suncut Bazaar.


Ank’Harel lies in the center of a vast desert, nestled among clay-rich mountains. Three of these peaks have been leveled off at different elevations to form the Ridge, the Guided District, and the Cerulean Palace. Canals filled with fresh water circulate through the River District, branching outward from the nexus of the oasis.
Large city
Additional Rulers/Owners


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