Expedition demeter The Slipstream Mechanism

The Slipstream Mechanism

Disaster / Destruction


The man completed his device of divine design, a day that proved most detrimental as the deed led to his death.

Many works were completed while the man invented what would change his life forever. The Slipstream Mechanism allowed travel to metaphysical planes. After many failed attempts, he finally succeeded. He activated the machine, searching for a plane of pure inspiration. It is unclear what he found, but whatever it was, it changed the man. He became distant from his daughter, though always found time to spend with her. After a handful of travels, he dismantled the machine and never spoke of it again. His work suffered heavily, and he suffered from acute insomnia for the rest of life, unable or unwilling to sleep.
This was, for many, his retirement as he spent his final years focusing entirely on his daughter, and locking himself in his study throughout the night.

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