Barol Chalda, Commander of the Faeler Guard - Koronnan

  The Faeler Guard has been a part of Koronnan life since Del-Kamai’s Crusade. A group of Faeler soldiers answered Koronna's call for aid against a Traazorite invasion and were instrumental in defeating the Traazorites and driving them once again from the continent. The original members of the Faeler Guard were devotees of Valar and Valia who abhorred the assault upon the moon-god and moon-goddess that the crusades represented, even if they did not interpret the moon religion in the same way. They swore allegiance to the Kaliph and Kalipha as part of the defense of Koronna against the Empire. Today, the Faeler Guard is comprised of descendants of the original members as well as those seeking adventure and special status.   Barol Chalda is the quintessential Guard Commander. A giant of a man, he wields a great axe that he has named The Separator, which most men cannot lift from the ground. Jovial off duty and with an unmatched capacity for alcohol, Chalda is all business in battle. Formally, the Guard is commanded by the Kaliph and Kalipha, though they defer to a soldier elected by their peers to lead the unit day to day. In Chalda’s case there were no other candidates as no member of the guard could challenge him. Two men half-jokingly offered themselves as prospective co-leaders if they could be allowed to be counted as one contender to match him. When Chalda agreed with a roar, they quickly withdrew their candidacy.     The Guard tithes each man’s pay to create a unit treasury, to which is added a share of any wealth gained in the accomplishment of tasks given to them by the royals. Chalda has discretion over this treasury and one of its uses is to warrant the occasional freeband to recruit or help right wrongs the Guard has suffered and cannot take the time to avenge.
Dark Blue
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White, tanned
6' 5"
Barol may not serve as a Patron for a Traazorite Freeband.   Patron Special Rule: Sacred Oath. As a Faeler Guardsman, Chalda takes his oaths seriously, so anyone in his employ can count on his word to get them out of any jam. Heroes in a freeband with Chalda as a patron have advantage on all DISC tests they take with their own DISC.


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