Field Warden

There is no more independent Industrial Union than the Livestock Union. The PDC tolerates this independent streak only because of the herculean effort they put forth to feed the people of Kuzaarl. In the deep cold of the mountains, very little agriculture occurs, and any patch of arable ground will be taken up with these precious commodities.   What the Livestock Union provides, and what the Kuzaarik love, is meat. The Livestock Union holds little presence in Vinyabah Gohrahad, except for the livestock pens and the butchers surrounding the stockyards. Here precious meat is sold to the Kuzaarik people as soon as it is cut up and transported to the butchers.   Most Livestock Union presence is in the far reaches of Kuzaarik control. Their charges roam the lower valleys and arid plains that are adjacent to Urdaggar hunting grounds, and for this reason, they must be ever vigilant.   Field Wardens are the police of the Livestock Union. Despite their small representation, there are more Wardens in the Livestock Union than in any other Industrial Union. They are spread out over vast amounts of territory and are very often on their own when it comes to protecting the herds and herders that supply the Kuzaarik with meat.   The nature of the Warden’s job makes them more independent than the Wardens of any other Union. Field Wardens spend their time protecting the flocks of the Livestock Union. Often it is near small villages deep in the valleys of the great northern mountains. The further south, the warmer it becomes, and raising animals becomes more manageable.   The work of the Livestock Union is almost always in the fields with the animals. Wardens are constantly vigilant, for the predators never sleep. Nor do the bandits.   Field Wardens keep shifts around the clock. They carry bows and spears to be ready for anything the wilderness throws at them. They don leather armor that is light and flexible but still protects the wearer.   Field Wardens are the heroes of the herders that feed Kuzaarl. Their only concern is the safety of the flocks and the herders, not the political machinations that currently engulf the High Council. The PDC has little sway over these hardy frontier warriors, though some will tow the party line even if it means little to the people of the wilderness.   Those outside it mistrust the Field Wardens of the Livestock Union, though Kuzzarik society appreciates them for protecting the food supply of Kuzaarl. Still, few of the other Industrial Unions seek their aid or wish to ally with them in any endeavor outside of their jurisdiction.  


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