The Emerald Warders

The Emerald Warders hae had their eye on the Dathglar in general and Nehvodim, in particular, for some time. The Emerald Warders are Modo worshippers focused on healing people and the land. They are mostly made up of Haradelans but have gained adherents from the Urdaggar, from Thormenal, and from Falkaar.   The Emerald Warders have always been fascinated and disgusted by the Dathglar. The whole area was fertile farming land. It was the breadbasket of southern Isarshael. Now, the area from Nehvodim to the Inner Sea is a magical desert overrun with demons and restless, angry spirits.   The Warders have strategized several ways that they can heal the cursed land, but have had little luck in the Dathglar. They have theorized that Nehvodim must be the center of the magical taint, but have not been able to break into Nehvodim because of the danger there.   The Emerald Warders are led by Lady Laria Karn, wife to the Warden of Erladan. Laria is one of the woodsfolk steeped in Modo lore and magic. It is customary for the Warden of Erladan to marry one of the forest girls, and Lady Laria’s fierce intelligence and magical abilities make her a prime candidate.   While her husband runs the Ward and plays political games, Laria works tirelessly with the Temple of Modo where the Emerald Warders are based. While usually focused on healing people, they have a vested interest in healing land and have partnered with the Golats to aid in that sacred quest. After meeting with limited success on the very edges of the Dathglar, Lady Karn is eager to test the Warders’ powers deeper in the Dathglar.   The Warders are an eclectic mix of woodsfolk Modo zealots, Questing Knights who have taken up the call, nature casters, and Golats. Throw in a few militias, Kantor and their attending Swords of Vidunar, and you have quite a fighting force. They are militant but prefer healing to fighting. Their Nature Casters lead them and are focused on healing while the warriors clear the way.
Patron Rule   The Grace of Modo: Restoring the Natural world is central to the Knights of the Emerald Warders. A small number of these Warriors are touched by Modo Himself bearing a mark on their flesh appearing as an Emerald Tattoo which glows faintly in the lush forests of Faelon. These men and women possess a measure of the gods grace to restore that which may otherwise be lost. One Non-Caster Hero in your Freeband may gain Wildmagic d6 [Modo’s Mending]. You may select this hero at any point during the campaign. If this character dies or retires you may select a new one.   Note: You must still pay the standard 5g for wildmagic users in Nehvodim.
Religious, Other


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