Ritual Investiture

A form of purification to the will of your deity. Removing any impurities that block you from the will of your deity. This does vary greatly based on the deity you worship.   A typical ritual for most all religions who observe Divine Vessels will begin with an all-night vigil starting the eve of your deity’s holy day at sundown.   During this time most vessels will begin reconciliation with their peers and elders. It is a time of introspection to consider the responsibilities and joy of accepting to be a divine vessel for your deity. This is most often performed in the holy sanctuary of your deity.   Typical ritual actions are performed such as:
  • Cutting your hair to show humbleness to your deity.
  • Being bathed by the church to wash away your old life.
  • Dressed in Ritual clothing, to be presented at dawn for your deity.
  • Ritual drinking and food to take in your deity’s gifts.
  • Laying on a bed awaiting your deity’s embrace.
  • Ritual chanting and prayer.
  • Sacrifices of body and soul to prove your worth.
  • Giving all your possessions to the deity to free you of mortal wants.
  • Confession of your willingness, and openness to be available to the will of your deity.
While this was going on for the vessel, the congregation often would be celebrating for them.
  • Ritual chanting/praying
  • Singing, Music, emotionally fueled dancing.
  • Drinking and eating.
  • Celebrations, small to large, sometimes citywide.
Typically, at dawn with much loud clamoring, the high clergy of the divine will give a final blessing, and prayer by the church or vessel will finally create a vessel ready to enter a new chapter of their life. Having given permission to their deity, in a sort of marriage contract to them. That deity can now possess this mortal at their whim.   Again, things very by diety, and not all deities accept such gifts by their followers.

The First Vessel of the Race War

With the return of divine power to the world, so to where the whispers of the deities to their followers. Visions followed. As people do, they wanted to please their deities. Temples were reformed and people fought to become the favored of their deities.   It was about three score years after the Divine Gate was cracked open, that the first known possession was completed. A god of War, Khaine of the Germanic Elven Nations, possessed his high warrior priest, at the onset of a battle against the armies of the Human nation of Faerin. Breaking through their defense on the eastern border and allowing the invasion into the heartlands of Kingdom of Faerin.   Tens of thousands died that day, including the high priest. Consumed by his god's divine energy, he exploded into a column of firey death. His forces pushed forward over his corps renewed by Khaines blessing that day.   This lead the way to Ritual Investiture.


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