Eucradian Culture

Home to many natural resources and a culture as old as the mountains, Eucrade was once a Kingdom of prosperity and widespread peace. Chaosium was a vast resource that fed the natural world via ley lines. Homes here were large, with multi-generational families live within in order to care for one another as time passes.     The shadow of war looms large over Eucrade as the current Emperor wages a decades-long conflict. The war has shaped the culture, instilling resilience and a warlike nature in the people. Military prowess is highly esteemed, and tales of heroism are woven into their cultural fabric. Eucradians are well known for their warrior spirit, down to the most lowly of commoners. Military training is a rite of passage, and the ability to defend the land is considered a mark of honor. Valor in battle is celebrated, and heroes are immortalized through sagas and monuments.   Symbols such as the intertwined serpents (representing chaos and order), the mountain peak, and the ancestral tree are emblematic of Eucradian culture. These symbols are woven into art, architecture, and daily life. Each home is also adorned with the Empiracle crest, representing the common persons loyalty to the crown (though as the war drags on there are more and more small pockets of resistence to the on-going conflict).    Despite the current turmoil, there is a collective hope for the restoration of Eucrade to its former glory. Many look to a future where peace is reestablished, having heard stories of the golden age of magic and might from their great-great-grandparents.    As part of the more warlike aspects of their culture, young individuals undergo a solemn Warrior's Oath Ceremony. During this ritual, they pledge allegiance to both family and nation, vowing to defend Eucrade with honor. The ceremony involves the symbolic donning of a specially crafted armor piece or sword (usually passed down through generations), signifying the responsibilities of a protector.    The Eucradian people dress for their more northernly climes, typically in wool and other woven fabrics. The colors range from deep blues to dark greys, and are often layered. Shirts often have high close collars, and long sleeves. Dresses or skirts are multi-layered and heavy, though meant to be moved around in. Belts, aprons, and over-wear are a practical and oft used aspect of their clothing.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Hildebrandt, Freyhafen, Grimmhart, Erlkönig, Falkenhain, Morgenstern


Major language groups and dialects

The people of Eucrade speak Eucradian, a variation on the Common Tongue. Eucradian communication leans towards a more formal and hierarchical structure, reflecting their militaristic tendancies. Eucradian surnames emphasize strength, honor, and lineage. Eucradians have formal and stoic greetings.