Eucradian Empire

The Eucradian Empire stands as the primary aggressor in the Great War. Taking up the vast majority of the eastern half of the continent, the Empire has stood for hundreds of years. Eucrade was always a powerhouse - the great forests and staggering mountain ranges made it a dense source of natural resources. Its magical capability was never anything to turn ones nose up at either. Some of the most gifted mages in the world were raised within Eucrade's schooling system. 
  A lush land of prosperity and hope, jovial with it's neighbor Kesnia... until the reign of one Emperor Thedius Vertaine. He took the throne as a very young man at the age of 16 after the unfortunate, mysterious death of his father. 
  Thedius took to ruling far better, and faster, than anyone might have guessed. Soon he dismissed all of his advisors and his father's council, seeking to make each decision unanimously. By the age of 18 he ruled entirely alone. It wasn't until he was 25 that he finally took a wife, easing some unrest within Eucrade about an heir. His wife was gorgeous - blonde haired and a political marriage from the household of a Margravine. 
  They would be without a child for many years, until his wife was nearing 40 years old. By then, Thedius had begun his prodding at the edges of the Kesnian Kingdom. Despite being now well into his 50s, he did not look a day over 30. His wife bore him a daughter in 350 AD, Agatha, and it is said in hushed whispers that the Emperor was furious. He sent his wife and new child away shortly after she was born, solidifying these rumors into what may as well have been truth. Whispers that the seemingly unaging Emperor had done something to his wife and daughter magically swirled through rumor mills. However, the rub remains that that very week, he launched his first assault on Kesnia. 
  Exactly how that assault occured and why is up for debate. But what remains is that it kicked off the longest, bloodiest war in the world's history. 
  Even in the throes of war, Eucrade is a vast empire rich in resources and culture. Food is a love language, one that even as rations tighten and farm fields grow barren, remains. Large multi-generation families reside in homes here, caring for each other across life times. Their military is vast and unyeilding, hardened troops trained from the best and brightest in the Empire.

Foreign Relations

The Eucradian Empire is viciously militaristic governmentally, requiring its citizenry to participate in the war effort so long as they are of able enough body and mind. It refuses all trade with Kesnia, though does barter some essential goods with Redonians.    The decades long war that has destroyed the economy and landscape of Kesnia and Eucrade has driven what some believe to be an impenetrable rift between the two superpowers, one unmendable by time and trade agreements.

"Strength in Steel, Honor in Battle, Glory in Conquest."

Geopolitical, Empire
Head of State
Government System
Economic System
Market economy
Eucradian Crown (EC) - gold standard piece  Imperial Sun (10 EC) - platinum standard piece, with an emblazoned sun. Warrior's Crest (.1 EC) - silver standard piece, with the crest of Eucrade on a shield. Valor Blade (.001) - Copper standard piece, with a traditional Eucradian sword.
Neighboring Nations

Articles under Eucradian Empire