Fallensky Academy

Fallensky is the premier institution for the teaching of magic to those with talent and ability on Oskaria. Also called The Mages Citadel, Fallensky is a marvel of architecture and magic. Suspended on a series of floating islands high above the Kesnian Kingdom, Fallensky is a distant goal for many. The sprawling campus is entirely aloft, held together with magic and determination. It contains twelve dorm buildings, six main study buildings, and the main spire where faculty offices and rooms are.    The Academy's primary study is the force that drives all magic in the world - Chaosium. A wild and dangerous force only restrained by force or flow into what is called 'magic'. Uncontrolled use by those not powerful enough to wield it properly might be catastrophic.    The most well-respected, powerful mages in the world attend Fallensky or are its alum and professors. They run a tight ship, and if the rules are not obeyed, serious consequences follow. However, this is not solely an Academy for magic. Due to the youth of many of its students, particularly in the first 4 years of attendance, the Academy also has classes that focus on daily-use skills, morals and values, history, and many others.    It's current student population numbers in the hundreds, with currently twenty-four members of highly skilled faculty.    A boarding school of the highest order, those who can afford to attend or work their way through Fallensky should expect the entire curriculum to last eight full years. Trips home are only allowed to students past year 4, and even then are brief and limited. But students are not limited simply to Fallensky - they may be sent to the surface of Oskaria accompanied by a member of faculty for the purposes of learning and completing extracurricular task.    Each student is afforded their own room, within a dorm building shared by others of that same year until they are in their final two - seven and eight. In those years they are further divided by their specialty, so that when working on their Opus - the final project each student hoping to graduate must complete - they are surrounded by like-minded individuals.

Purpose / Function

To teach the harnessing of Chaosium into a safe, accessible form for the betterment of humanity.


Mid 19th century Victorian achitecture, with a fair amount of Gothic Revival influence. Vaulted ceilings, twisting spires reaching into the clouds, gargoyles watching over the exterior, lancet stained-glass windows.

Alternative Names
The Mages Citadel
College / Academy
Characters in Location