Kesnian Culture

Kesnia's unique diverse cultures and landscape have gifted the Kingdom the honor of an incredible resource. Ideas and innovation flow through Kesnia like water, from small quality of life changes to larger scale inventions meant to change the course of history. Many hands make light work, and great minds do indeed think alike, and never was it more true than in Kesnia.     Despite being torn by war and on ever-tightening rations, the Kesnian people hope for a day when the war can be resolved. There is a stark underlying hatred for Eucrade and her people, knowing that every able citizen in the Empire is required to spend time within the military. Every person in Kesnia has lost at least one friend or family member, and they do not forgive or forget.  Offerings, memorials, and rituals to remember and venerate the dead are commonplace here, and are held with great dignity.    Eucradian spies have oft plagued the Kesnian Kingdom, down to the most common of her citizens, and it causes suspicion of those who do not seem to fit the mould that they have come to expect despite their diversity. Mainly, an up-front loyalty to the royal family, and a willingness to sacrifice for the war effort. Food rations, time, money, and ones physical self if required. Hesitancy on that front is seen as suspicious and liable fertile ground for betrayal and secrecy. The Kesnians seek an end to the war, but while it rages they want their soldiers military to be as well cared for and supported as possible.    Kesnians have a love of art and science. Seeking new innovative ways to approach things is a mental state that is smiled upon, magically or otherwise. Kesnia produces less outright magical lineage than the Empire, but their mages are often born with talent then nutured by the people around them.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Panvoril, Noldórhaven, Lóthlórien, Aranámiel, Eldamaris, Finrothir, Amanwëstel


Gender Ideals

Expression of gender is accepted and welcomed here, with the wide variety of cultures pushed into one melting pot. Polyamory, asexuality, and gender-nonconformity are embraced.