Kesnian Kingdom

The country to the westernmost side of the continent and directly north of Redonia, Kesnia was once a series of smaller holdings that was brough together under a single family and banner as the war progressed. This has made Kesnia incredibly diverse and rich in cultures from their highest northern peaks to the southern most coast.    The Kesnian royal family, despite their many differences in ruling styles over the course of the years, has tried decently hard to ensure that each culture and holding that rallied to their flag over the course of the war has felt represented and included in their political and military goals and approaches.    More racially and ethnically diverse than the other countries within Oskaria, Kesnia does sometimes suffer from being slow to act. The process of a republic done correctly is not always a quick process, even when done to bolster the monarchy that was put in place to make ultimate and quick decisions on behalf of them all.    Kesnians take immense pride in their collective war effort. Communities engage in various initiatives, from rationing supplies to organizing community-driven projects to support soldiers on the front lines. A "we're all in this together" mentality prevails. Kesnians uphold a resilient and stoic demeanor in the face of adversity. The cultural norm is to face challenges with determination and a "stiff upper lip." This attitude not only bolsters the morale of the populace but also symbolizes the unwavering spirit of the Kesnian people.   Kesnia honors its heroes, both on the battlefield and within the community. Monuments, memorials, and annual ceremonies pay tribute to those who have made sacrifices for the kingdom. The stories of valor and selflessness are woven into the fabric of Kesnian identity.   Kesnia's leadership reflects its commitment to inclusivity. Representatives from various regions and communities have a voice in decision-making processes, ensuring that the kingdom's policies consider the diverse needs of its citizens.

Foreign Relations

The Kesnian Kingdom has direly poor relations with the Eucradian Empire, given the decades long war they are currently embroiled in. There is no governmentally sanctioned trade between the two countries - only private merchants dare risk it, and through enemy soldier lines. The monetary systems differ between the countries despite both being on the same 10 gold standard, and it is rare that Kesnian Sovereigns are accepted the same place that Eucradian Crown's are.    Redonians are welcome within Kesnia, but they almost never travel, and the same cannot be said the other way around unless said Kesnia is looking to convert to Redonian faith upon crossing The Point. Redonia stays out of Kesnian business, though does some agricultural and other essential goods trading with both sides of the conflict.

Faces of Many, Heart of One

Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Kesnian Sovereign (KS) - gold piece standard, showcases a crown with a sword pointed down through the center. Royal Sun (10 KS) - Platinum piece standard, featuring an intricate design of a radiant sun.  Honor Crown (.1 KS) - Silver piece standard, featuring the same crown as the gold piece, sans sword.  Harmony Shield (.01 KS) - Copper piece standard, featuring the Kesnian coat of arms on a shield.
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

Articles under Kesnian Kingdom