
The third and final large country in Oskaria, Redonia is an outlier in its policies and carriance. It has stayed out of the Great War almost entirely, siding with neither side. It defends it's borders staunchly, and as a country is largely anti-mage. Redonians view Chaosium as a danger, not one to be trifled with. It is said they even have some way to rip magic from children who are young enough, that way they never manifest more ability than the bare minimum. 
  Located south of Kesnia across a very narrow peninsula, Redonia rivals Kesnia's population with half of the land space. Highly militaristic, even moreso than Eucrade, Redonians are brainwashed from a very young age. Told that their Queen is the final arbiter of all, including those who are worthy to see the afterlife. They perch their Queen as a goddess up on her throne. 
  Redonians have particular issue with Fallensky, the Mage's Citadel. They believe it a hazard, one that leads youth astray for the sake of dangerous Chaosium research.

Allegiance to the Throne

Geopolitical, County / March
Neighboring Nations

Articles under Redonia