Redonian Culture

The Redonian culture is not well known or widespread past the Point, the narrowest stretch of the Penninsula that separates the Kesnian Kingdom and Redonia. Whilst in all technicality being a kingdom, Redonians do not call it as such. They refer to it instead as a Thearchate - A sovereign realm or domain characterized by the divine rule or governance of a godly figure, often a deity or god-sovreign. In a Thearchate, the political and spiritual realms are intricately intertwined, with the ruler perceived as a divine authority, guiding and shaping the destiny of the land.   Their god-queen rules over Redonia with a firm hand, her access to Divine power the country's alternative to Chaosium. It is She who acts as a patron of sorts for those She deems worthy of recieving fractions of Her power to use, as a cleric might to any of the other gods. Within Redonia, the worship of any other deific figure is banned strictly, beliving that it weakens their God-Queens power. Queen Ysara, Exalted Thearchess of Redonia is seen as the only pure, sacred connection the mortal realms have to dinivinty by the Redonias.    Small shrines are in every home. Rather than taxes, money given by the people to the government is an offering to their Exalted Thearchess based on their wages called a 'sacrarium'. This money upkeeps their infrastructure, military, and economy.    The clothing worn by the Redonians is divided based on their Stratum within society. One may move up and down the rankings of Strata rarely, and typically take the Strata of your parents upon birth. Moving up in teh Strata is called ksteř.  The rankings of the society are as follows:    Ksesh - The lowest of the Strata. Typically their jobs are menial labor and tedium.    Ang - The Military Strata. The most widely populated Strata, but one that is respected. To searve the Exalted Thearchess is a high honor. There are further ranks within the military that define more strictly honor and dignity within this and other Strata.    Aẓagwa - the Artistry Strata. Those Redonians who create.    Nopěur kma - Often abrevviated to simply Kma, the upper class Strata. nobility who help to rule over Redonia under their Exalted Thearchess.      Kstil - A derogatory term for a mage, used as a swear or a slur. Not a Strata in Redonian society perse, but used to belittle, degrade, and often get someone punished.      Redonian clothing is often loose, in creams, deep reds, and yellows. They often tie clothing around their shoulders or waists. Strata is marked via tattoo on the lower neck, upper chest area, where the collarbones sit. These symbols are marked upon children by a High Priest or Priestess at birth, and are updated as necessary.  The Ang Strata, or military, often wear deep reds with black armor pieces.


Major language groups and dialects

The primary language spoken by most Redonians is called Kstati. It is believed to be a dialect of elven, though its origins are a source of mystery for those outside of the country itself.

Common Etiquette rules

Straight forward speech, eye contact, and firm posture are all seen as signs of respect to Redonians. Physical touch is reserved for ones that are trusted, or violence. When speaking to a member of a higher Strata, the lower Strata indivisual must wait for permission to initiate conversation, and speak respectfully.

Foods & Cuisine

Foods here tend towards creamy and spicy, with hot peppers and tomatoes being in almost every dish.


Gender Ideals

Gender expression means little to the Redonians - so long as you are able to perform your tasks within your Strata, and do not practice heretic kstil magic, little else matters.

Relationship Ideals

Reltionships are long term commitments bound together by a High Priest or Priestess in an intericate ceremony that is incredibly difficult to break. Loyalty, commitment, and trust above all else are highly expected within relationships. Any straying, lewd behavior to others, or anything that might be viewed as a breach of trust is frowned upon heavily.