The Eight Years of Curriculum

A full education at the Mage's Citadel is what is expected in order to graduate. Here I will elaborate for you what the years loosely consist of, and what the expectations are for students and faculty.      Year One - The entry level students, new to the Academy. They are typically brought young, but must be within 6 months of their age of maturity for their race. Special exceptions can be made but are incredibly rare. This year students learn Arithmatic, History, Domestic Skills, Health, and of course their entry magical courses.            Year Two - More comfortable with their surroundings now, students add more Chaosium theory and practicum classes to their roster. They have not yet completed all of their requisit generic classes, and have not selected a specialty yet. The Mentor program is available for sign up. Other classes include Alchemy, Physical Education, Physiology, Zoology, Planar Physics, and higher levels of their previous courses such as Arithamtic II, History II, etc. Trips beyond the Citdel must be attended by a Professor.    Year Three - Students of this year move on to almost entirely more arcane pursuits now. Classes might include Religion Studies, Herbology, Ritual Circles, Ley Line Synergism, Undead Studies, and the first course of the students tenative specialty. The Mentor program is still available for participation. Trips beyond the Citdel must be attended by a Professor.   Year Four - Halfway through their studies, students should be becoming more comfortable with their classes and abilities, with an idea of what they may want to specialize in. Classes this year become mostly practicums in nature, or very heavily theory. Some students hoping to get a head start begin their work on their Culmination project. The Mentor program is still available for participation. Trips beyond the Citdel must be accompanied by a 6th year student or higher, with a signed slip from at least two Professors.    Year Five - By their 5th year students of the Citdel must select their specialties. They must have one, but may add up to three. Courses from here on are still entirely practicum or advanced theory. Trips beyond the Citadel must still be signed off by a Professor, but are now encouraged and no longer need to be accompanied. The Mentor program is no longer available to be a mentee. The Dueling Arena opens for use.    Year Six - The students are now able to become Mentors if they so wish, for other students up to Year Four. By Year Six the student must select a Professor to Shadow for their specialty. Work must begin on their culmination in earnest. Trips beyond the Citdel must be signed off on by the shadowed Professor or accompanied by them, but are heavily encouraged.    Year Seven - The students prepare for graduation in the coming years. They should submit their first draft of their Culmination to their shadowed Professor this year if they have not already, and have it signed off on. Students are in advanced Chaosium practicum classes. Being a Mentor is still an option available.    Year Eight - The final year at the Citdel. Students must submit their Culmination project to a board of Professors by the 6th month mark into the year in order to leave room for any corrections or second attempts. Only two attempts are allowed before failure. New mentees may only be taken once the Culmination project is completed. The Graduation ceremony happens on the Winter Solstice.