
Fallacia is a captivating form of magic practised by Ananans, known for their skill in creating illusions and manipulating perceptions. It enables them to control thoughts, emotions, memories, and physical sensations. Fallacia's effects include concealing/revealing objects, manipulating sleep patterns, altering memories, distorting perception, and influencing emotions.


  • Concealment/Revelation: Manipulating perception to hide or reveal objects, places, or people.
  • Memory Manipulation: Selectively altering memories, aiding in remembering or causing forgetfulness.
  • Sleep/Insomnia Induction: Influencing sleep patterns, inducing sleep or insomnia.
  • Mental Enhancement/Dulling: Enhancing cognitive abilities or dulling the mind.
  • Dream Manipulation: Influencing and controlling dreams.
  • Emotional Influence: Manipulating emotions and thoughts.
  • Confidence/Paranoia Induction: Instilling confidence or triggering paranoia.
  • Headache Induction/Relief: Causing or relieving headaches.
  • Illusory Sensations: Creating illusory tactile, auditory, and olfactory experiences.
  • Perception Alteration: Manipulating perception and distorting reality.
  • Mind Reading and Empathy: Reading thoughts and sensing emotions.
  • Mental Manipulation: Influencing thoughts and beliefs.
  • Mental Shielding: Creating mental shields for protection.
  • Emotional Amplification and Suppression: Intensifying and suppressing emotions.
  • Mental Healing: Healing psychological wounds and traumas.
  • Mental Disruption: Inducing mental confusion or disarray.
  • Thought Projection: Projecting thoughts or emotions into others' minds.

Side/Secondary Effects

  • Addiction to Illusions: Prolonged exposure to Fallacia magic can lead to addiction to the fantasy world created by illusions.
  • Distorted Perception of Reality: Some individuals may develop a skewed perception of the world, struggling to distinguish between reality and illusion.
  • Paranoia: Fallacia's influence may trigger paranoia, leading individuals to distrust their perceptions and others.
  • Emotional Instability: Fallacia magic can induce unpredictable mood swings and heightened sensitivity.
  • Cognitive Confusion: Extended exposure to Fallacia can result in cognitive confusion, impairing clear thinking and rational judgment.
  • Memory Distortion: Fallacia may lead to distorted or fragmented memories, blurring the line between true events and illusions.
  • Identity Crisis: Fallacia can cause individuals to question their self and authenticity.
  • Social Isolation: Those affected by Fallacia may isolate themselves due to fear of manipulation, leading to difficulty forming relationships.
  • Loss of Trust: Fallacia's influence can erode trust in others and in one's own judgment.
  • Mental Exhaustion: Dealing with uncertainty and illusions created by Fallacia can lead to mental fatigue.


Manifesting in an alluring and comforting manner, Fallacia captivates its victims with warmth. Its illusions then intensify, blurring the distinction between reality and fabrication. Fallacia engages all senses, employing visual deception, auditory delusions, tactile sensations, olfactory manipulation, and gustatory deception to enhance its illusory grasp.


Fallacia magic finds its source in the inherent aura and illusion-crafting abilities of Ananans. These individuals emit a unique aura as the basis for their mind-altering powers. Notably, tactile contact, particularly on the head, amplifies the potency of Fallacia illusions, allowing Ananans to exert greater control over perceptions and manipulate them to their advantage.


  • Hygiene: Concealing or revealing hidden objects for cleaning purposes.
  • Work: Enhancing cognitive abilities for improved focus, problem-solving, and creativity.
  • Parenting: Influencing sleep patterns and inducing calmness in children.
  • School and Education: Assisting memory recall and enhancing learning capabilities.
  • Health: Relieving headaches and promoting mental well-being.
  • Food and Drink: Creating illusory sensations to enhance dining experiences.
  • Travel: Altering perception for navigation or creating illusions for added security.
  • Socialising: Influencing emotions to foster positive interactions and create a comfortable atmosphere.
  • Religious Festivals: Manipulating perceptions and emotions during ceremonies.
  • Sports: Improving focus, reflexes, and confidence for enhanced performance.
  • Mental Healing: Assisting in healing psychological wounds and traumas.
  • Decision Making: Influencing thoughts and beliefs for informed choices.
  • Communication: Projecting thoughts or emotions for empathetic connections.
  • Personal Growth: Amplifying positive emotions and suppressing negative ones for self-reflection.
  • Conflict Resolution: Inducing calmness and empathy to promote peaceful resolutions.
  • Creativity and Imagination: Amplifying mental processes for artistic inspiration and innovative thinking.


  • Meditation
  • Ananans engage in deep meditation to enhance their illusion-crafting abilities and establish a connection with their inherent aura.
  • Breathing Techniques
  • Breathing techniques enhance control over Fallacia magic and manipulate perceptions.
  • Elemental Affirmation
  • Reciting affirmations or mantras to reinforce the connection with their illusion-crafting abilities.
  • Ritual Tools
  • Some Ananans use mirrors and other reflective surfaces to aid focus and enhance Fallacia magic.
  • Gestures & Ritual
    Related Element
    Effect Duration
    For as long as the Ananan can produce the aura
    Effect Casting Time
    100 m
    Applied Restriction
  • Must be...
  • of good health
  • emotionally balanced
  • hydrated
  • well rested
  • Expected to...
  • understand the ethics of use
  • respect the environment
  • respect people
  • present the ability favorably
  • Also Known As
  • Night Demons
  • Tricksters
  • Ghouls
  • Known Fallacia
  • Yoa