
Ter'ita magic is a potent elemental power possessed by Ananans, granting them mastery over the forces of earth, life, and death. They can shape the terrain, manipulate plants, heal and restore beings, commune with spirits, and infuse life energy. Ananans with Ter'ita deeply bond with the earth and strive to use their magic ethically.


  • Earth Manipulation: Shaping and controlling the earth's terrain, creating hills, trenches, or earthquakes.
  • Plant Manipulation: Accelerating or decelerating plant growth, fostering lush landscapes or causing withering.
  • Healing and Restoration: Revitalising and promoting growth in living beings.
  • Necromancy: Interacting with and manipulating the forces of death, communing with spirits or raising the deceased.
  • Life Infusion: Channeling life energy into objects or beings, revitalising and empowering them.
  • Geological Awareness: Understanding the earth's composition and detecting minerals, ores, and underground structures.
  • Defensive Fortification: Reinforcing structures and creating protective barriers using earth manipulation.
  • Environmental Influence: Influencing plant growth, restoring ecosystems, or causing controlled geological phenomena.
  • Terramancy: Sensing and empathising with the earth, forging a deep bond with the natural world.
  • Elemental Balance: Harmonising the opposing forces of earth, life, and death for ecological equilibrium.
  • Geological Formations: Shaping rocks and minerals, constructing structures or crafting gemstones.
  • Life Creation: Infusing life into inanimate objects or earth, creating living constructs or animating statues.
  • Defensive Structures: Erecting barriers and fortifications for protection.
  • Geological Insight: Deep understanding of the earth's history and geology, locating resources or navigating underground.
  • Self-Transformation: Transforming into soil, rock, or plants for blending with the environment.
  • Life Enhancement and Reversal: Accelerating hair growth, reducing wrinkles, or reversing ageing effects.
  • Constructive and Destructive Potential: Building, creating, dismantling, and destroying with control over opposing forces.

Side/Secondary Effects

  • Physical Strain: Fatigue and physical exhaustion from extensive use.
  • Overstimulation: Temporary hyperactivity or heightened sensitivity from excessive life energy influx.
  • Growth Imbalances: Developmental imbalances from accelerated plant growth or life infusion.
  • Ecological Disruption: Disrupting ecosystems through uncontrolled manipulation.
  • Soil and Land Instability: Erosion, land destabilisation, and landslides from earth manipulation.
  • Overgrowth: Outcompeting native plants and disrupting ecological balance.
  • Disturbed Life Cycles: Disrupting natural life cycles and ecological balance.


Visually transformative abilities, such as shaping terrain, causing earthquakes, manipulating plant growth, glowing healing, ethereal aura during necromancy, and vibrant auras during life infusion. Sensing earth through touch, rumbling sounds, rustling leaves, soothing whispers, and earthy scents.


Ter'ita magic originates from Ananans' connection to earth, life, and death. They manipulate molecules through touch and meditation, which deepens their bond and aligns them with the elemental forces.


  • Hygiene: Creating cleansing rituals and organic soaps from the earth and plants.
  • Housework: Shaping and moving furniture, lifting heavy objects.
  • Work: Creating stable structures and fortifications, ensuring safety.
  • Parenting: Creating stimulating environments for children's growth.
  • School and Education: Providing interactive geological lessons, fostering earth connection.
  • Health: Facilitating healing, aiding in recovery.
  • Food and Drink: Accelerating plant growth, infusing life energy for enhanced flavour and nutrition.
  • Travel: Shaping terrain for safer and more efficient journeys.
  • Dress: Crafting accessories and jewellery from gemstones and rocks.
  • Socialising: Creating serene natural environments for gatherings.
  • Religious Festivals: Enhancing ceremonies with geological formations and plant growth.
  • Cultural Pursuits: Celebrating heritage with geological sculptures or monuments.
  • Sports: Shaping terrains for challenging landscapes or safe conditions.
  • Weather and Environment: Influencing plant growth, controlling geological phenomena, and maintaining ecological balance.
  • Other Daily Uses: Self-transformation, reversing ageing effects, empowering objects.


  • Meditation
  • Enter a state of deep connection and alignment with the elemental forces of earth, life, and death.
  • Breathing Techniques
  • Deep, slow breaths to ground and connect with the earth's energy.
  • Controlled breaths to channel and direct life energy during life infusion.
  • Elemental Affirmation
  • Speaking affirmations that honour the powers of earth, life, and death to establish a connection with the elements.
  • Ritual Tools
  • A small pouch filled with soil or gemstones as a grounding and focusing tool.
  • Crystals or stones representing different aspects of Ter'ita magic are used to amplify intentions or energies.
  • A ceremonial staff or wand made of wood or stone symbolises mastery over the elements.
  • Incense or herbs associated with earth, life, and death for purifying and setting the ritual space.

  • Gestures & Ritual

    Related Element
    Effect Duration
    a few seconds to a few minutes, longer requires greater strength
    Effect Casting Time
    100 m
    Applied Restriction
  • Must be...
  • of good health
  • emotionally balanced
  • hydrated
  • well rested
  • Expected to...
  • understand the ethics of use
  • respect the environment
  • respect people
  • present the ability favorably
  • Also Known As
  • Earth demons
  • Mountains
  • Stonefist
  • Known Ter'ita
  • Aidan Hutz
  • Hestia Herada