Northwood Volunteers

The Northwood Volunteers are Volunteer Fire Fighters dedicated to the prevention, containment, and suppression of fires within the town of Northwood and the surrounding Giftwood Grove. The Volunteers freely utilize Hydromancy and Pyromancy in addition to more mundane methods.

Public Agenda

The Northwood Volunteers serve as Northwood's volunteer fire department. When made aware of a fire they utilize every tool at their disposal to first keep the fire from spreading and then put it out, all as quickly as safely possible.   Giftwood Loggers encourages its employees to participate in the Northwood Volunteers, citing the company's interests in preventing fires from harming the trees where they make a living. The lumbermill donates equipment periodically and will also pay any educational expenses to learn fire fighting techniques, while the Followers of the Hidden Flame commune at Northwood Hospital are always eager to provide free training in their own skills, resulting in a well equipped and highly trained fire fighting force. Guiding water from the Islette River using Hydromancy is a key component of dousing the fires, and sometimes Pyromancy is available as well to contain and shrink the fires.
Guild, Professional
Formation Type
Training Level
Veterancy Level

Cover image: Nature Forest Trees by jplenio


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