Nguk Forest Geographic Location in Flightless | World Anvil

Nguk Forest

Nguk Forest sits between the Agag and Adoneekug rivers, along the coast. Many small towns around its outskirts depend on it for lumber and hunting, but most people don't dare venture too deep.   The forest, they say, is haunted. A long time ago, a corrupted Assassin murdered her son within the forest before hanging herself. She lived a life too pious to be sent to the underworld, but her unjust murder was too grivious to allow her into Ban Kekuma's realm. With nowhere to go, her spirit was condemned to haunt the forest forever. Those who venture too deep in the woods must be cautious, because her tortured spirit is ready with vines to seize around your neck, drag you off your feet, and hang you in the woods to suffer her fate.   A few decades ago, a clay tablet found in the church of Kiraan shed new light on the story. The tablet was allegedly written by the Assassin herself, and told a tragic tale of her son's corruption and desire for power, and her decision to assassinate him rather than let him lead Kiraan on a campaign of violence. Though it's been called a fake by many, some people believe the story and altered their perception of the woods. Perhaps the malevolent spirit is the assassinated son, angry at his mother for cutting his ambitions short.   Either way, the forest is avoided by most. There is no direct evidence of ghostly hangings or malevolent spirits, but the forest is always a little too quiet and a little too serene. The new tragic spin on the tale has made it a common spot for suicides, and stumbling across dangling bodies is just one more reason for it to be avoided.
Forest, Jungle (Tropical)
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