Vishim People Ethnicity in Flightless | World Anvil

Vishim People

The scattered people of the Vishim desert. They're organized into clans, and clans are further divided into bands. They are nomads who travel the desert in circuits, returning to campsites year after year. In the eastern edge of the desert, some have settled down into permanent villages, influenced by the Taalorang Empire which controls much of the desert. However, they largely leave the desert alone as long as shipments of copper and gold still reach Temru


Major language groups and dialects

They speak variations of Vish. All clans have distinctive dialects on a spectrum of similarity from north to south, but even the most distinct dialects are mutually intelligible with each other.

Common Dress code

Vishim traditional dress varies a lot throughout the year. In the winter, they wear heavy layers of fur and in summer, light and air robes. Spring and autumn sees a combination of both, with lighter robes underneath furred capes depending on the temperature. There lack of strong class hierarchy means there is not much difference in dress based on wealth, although those with more prestige in a band have more decorate trims to their clothing. Clothing is not gendered; men and women wear pants in the winter and open robes in the summer. Breasts are not sexualized so woman are equally likely to show their chests in the summer. It is very rude, however, to show your bare feet, so they are always covered.

Common Myths and Legends

Major organizations

They are organized into 27 clans, each clan consisting of 20-30 bands. Each band has around 50-100 people. The clans are named for their patron spirit and are:  
  • IApai
  • Bauki
  • Chaiki
  • Chiyou
  • Chufa
  • Gakui
  • Gizo
  • Iba
  • Iyou
  • Jira
  • Kavofai
  • Kwaya
  • Masey
  • Nangog
  • Nyouj
  • Omu
  • Opaunsa
  • Pafay
  • Pesau
  • Rau
  • Riagai
  • Royau
  • Samuy
  • Usomu
  • Vichu
  • Waikoy
  • Yairey
  • Zouyai
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