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A constant hum of busy activity pervades the warrens and neighborhoods where gnomes form their close-knit communities. Louder sounds punctuate the hum: a crunch of grinding gears here, a minor explosion there, a yelp of surprise or triumph, and especially bursts of laughter. Gnomes take delight in life, enjoying every moment of invention, exploration, investigation, creation, and play.   Forest Gnomes   Forest gnomes have a natural knack for illusion and inherent quickness and stealth. Forest gnomes are more attuned with the fey ancestry of the gnomish people, and are well versed in the use of illusions and trickery to conceal themselves from threats. These gnomes were particularly persecuted against during the Great War of Ibora due to their strong ties to the fey. On Owana, forest gnomes have many enclaves in the Arapunct Forest and are a common sight in Chanation. Forest gnomes are known to befriend small forest animals and can communicate with them for information and gossip about what is going on around their hometowns and villages.   Rock Gnomes   Rock gnomes have a natural inventiveness and hardiness beyond that of other gnomes. Rock gnomes are the most common of the gnomish people, and are often known for tinkering and technological advancements.   Deep Gnome   Deep gnomes, or svirfneblin, are natives of the Underdark and are suffused with that subterranean realm’s magic. They can supernaturally camouflage themselves, and their svirfneblin magic renders them difficult to locate. These abilities have enabled them to survive for generations among the perils of the Underdark. Like other gnomes, deep gnomes can live for centuries, up to 500 years.
Forest Gnome  
Deep Gnome


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