BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


In the Age of Thuama, Old Mages held unfettered arcane ability and set out to impose their desires upon the multiverse. Due to their nearly unparalleled power, it was not unheard of for an Old Mage to begin to view themselves as a god. One such Mage took it into their mind to create a people in their image. Through their arcane arts, the kender were created. Kender are diminutive humanoids who look like humans with pointed ears and diverse appearances, and are still filled with the innate magic of their creation. Kender have a supernatural inquisitiveness that drives them to adventure and collecting. Kender are known to amass impressive collections of curiosities. Some might collect mundane knick-knacks or relics from magical sites, while others might become professional thieves.


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