BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Haunted by an ancient crime that robbed them of their wings, the flightless kenku wander the world as vagabonds and burglars who live at the edge of human society. The kenku once served a mysterious, powerful entity on another plane of existence. According to legend, the kenku betrayed their master, unable to resist the lure of a beautiful sparkling treasure. The kenku plotted to steal the item and escape to the Material Plane.   Unfortunately for the kenku, their master discovered their plan before they could enact it. Enraged, the entity imposed three dreadful curses upon them. First, the kenku’s beloved wings withered and fell away from their bodies, leaving them bound to the earth. Second, because their ingenuity and skill had turned toward scheming against their patron, the spark of creativity was torn from their souls. Finally, to ensure that the kenky could never divulge any secrets, their master took away their voices. Once the entity was satisfied that they had been sufficiently published, the kenky were set loose on the Material Plane. Since then, the kenku have wandered the world in search of a way to break the curse. Above all else, kenku wish to regain their flight. They use their power of mimicry to speak, and while they cannot create new things or invent new ideas, they take a patchwork of ideas from those around them to build something entirely their own.


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