WD - Battle Item in Foreign realms. | World Anvil

WD - Battle

Part of the Whispering Deck.   The card is decorated with a large axe  


Everyone becomes a bit more agressive towards you. When you take blunt damage, reduce it by one. When you take physic damage, increase it by one.   


Factions to which the querent has sworn allegiance and which are in open conflict involving more than 100 people, will always lose.  Factions refer to a group, organization, army, nation or body that might enter conflict with a similar faction.  If the querent has sworn allegiance to more than one competing faction, they will all lose, either by mutual destruction or by victory that has cost more than it gains. The querent may survive. 

  When you break a sworn oath of allegiance, the universe will extract a heavy toll from you. You are bound to these oaths until you are released from them.   


Prophecies surface that any faction that claims the allegiance of the "chosen one" cannot be defeated. The "Chosen one" bears an uncanny resemblance to the Querent. Those who learn of this prophesy may make tempting offers or attempt to coerce the Querent.


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