The Kingdom of Mithlothlond in Gereth | World Anvil
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The Kingdom of Mithlothlond

Mithlothlond was once a mighty empire that spread across most of Elion nearly two millennia ago. The Mithlorian people were a powerful race of advanced elves, who used their incredible magic to create marvels and wonders the world had never seen before. Unfortunately, they used this power to impose their will upon the lands they controlled. For the Mithlorians, law and order was paramount, and "lesser" races were forced to abide by the dictates of Mithlothlond or face destruction.   While rebellions were common, most were crushed with ease and law and order restored. The only race that managed to challenge the Mithlorians were the dragons, who, despite all odds, were brought together by a single inspiring leader named Tionnon. However, even this "Great Rebellion" was forced to retreat against the full might of the Mithlorians.   The damage to Mithlothlond though was done. While historians argue over what exactly happened next during the centuries that followed, all agree that large sections of the society started to disappear, while those that remained started to fight amongst themselves. The perfect law and order was broken, and the Kingdom of Mithlothlond collapsed approximately one thousand years ago.

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