Parasite Demon

Parasite demons are demonic creatures found deep underground or beneath sewers, which feed off garbage and disease-ridden insects. They're known to be very timid and will hide if they sense danger approaching and rarely make face in public.

Basic Information


They vary widely in appearance but most parasite demons possess rows of spines along their heads and necks. These spines can grow to a length of one meter long when fully extended. Parasite demons' skin is usually pale white or yellowish brown with dark spots all over it. They may also appear green, blue, black, or purple depending on the amount of pollution they had exposure to upon first hatching. Parasite demons tend to be thin and malnourished in appearance due to their poor diets of refuse and disease-ridden insects, but they do not seem to suffer any negative effects.

Genetics and Reproduction

Parasite demons are born into the world in the form of eggs, which hatch after roughly thirty days. The young parasites are very weak at birth, so their mothers lay them out as soon as they are hatched to allow the air to circulate around them.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Parasite demons must eat garbage or disease-ridden insects within three weeks after hatching and consistently consume trash at least once every two weeks thereafter. If they fail to consume these things before this time limit is up, they will die. This is because they lack digestive organs and cannot process their food, but instead let the bacteria fester in their bodies, which is then absorbed by their web-like membrane insides.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Because of their shy nature, they can easily become victims of urban legends about them. Most people and paranaturals mistakenly believe that parasite demons feed off humans like a giant parasite. They often have difficulty communicating with others due to their extreme timidity, but can be quite open and familial with those they trust completely. Many parasite demons live alone in the wild, but many more prefer to gather in groups and build their nests together. There's no doubt that parasites have a natural bond with each other: they are unable to reproduce on their own, so they share everything amongst themselves. However, parasite demons don't have a unified body structure or brainpower. Instead, parasites rely upon their instincts and the memories of their elders to survive.
Parasite Demon
Genetic Ancestor(s)
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