The Dante Carlo Family

Levi Dante Carlo stands at the family's troubled core. Once a visionary inventor, his psyche unraveled under the weight of haunting spiritual possessions, alien encounters, and personal betrayals. These events twisted him into a figure of tyranny, leading The Masquerade in its pursuit of global corruption. His obsession with paranatural experimentation, especially on his own offspring, reveals a man who has forsaken empathy for power.   The matriarch, Heather, is a poignant memory in the family's history. Her affair with Sinterklaus and the subsequent birth of a half-sprite child catalyzed Levi's descent into madness. Her tragic demise at Levi's hands remains a catalyst for the family's fractured dynamics and serves as a haunting backdrop to the lives of her children.   Aspberry, the eldest child, was reshaped into a Meta-Human by Levi's manipulations. Leading The Fighter Five as Captain Thunder, he combines strategic insight with formidable control over electricity, standing against the oppressive legacy of his father.   Phoebe, the sole daughter, defied her fate by creating a serum to navigate between life and death. As "The Phantom," she can tranform into a ghost and bring her spectral abilities to action against her father, yet the closer they get to defeating him--the more she considers Levi's mortality, along with her own.   Jupiter, the youngest, became "The Purple Mist," a powerful Magic Wielder. His gift to absorb knowledge instantly, a consequence of Levi's experiments, makes him an invaluable strategist and tactician in their endeavors against paranatural threats and thwarting any magical plans Levi devises.   Jack, born from his mother's affair with Sinterklaus, goes by the vigilante moniker of "Jack Frost." His cryokinetic abilities, a contrast to the warmth he never knew, are wielded in defense of the innocent, showing underneath his icy skin lies a caring heart.   Xander, the half-alien son, is marked by Levi's most harrowing experiments. His Verdanite heritage endows him with rapid healing powers that make him a crucial asset to The Fighter Five as well as a target for research by Levi and others. As "Little Green Man," he navigates their mission with the weight of his past etched into his memory.   United as The Fighter Five, the children of Levi Dante Carlo have transformed their individual trials into a collective crusade against their father's tyranny. They stand as vigilantes in Ghostwood, a family bound not just by blood, but by a shared commitment to thwart Levi's corrupt aspirations and protect the innocent from paranatural dangers.
Family Leader
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