Hostia Plague

The Hostia Species, created by Wer inititally, was designed to defeat the evergrowing power of the Glifaniim created by Eld. Through infection forms and even their weapons the Hostia spread a plague turning others into more Hostia. They began sweeping through Gigornous infecting everyone regardless of their Shol abilities or innocence. Realizing that creation of the Hostia was a colossal mistake, Wer created the Monstruae faction to exterminate the Hostia.   While some escaped to another planet to rebuild their forces via the plague the Monstruae were successful in driving them offworld. Until they did, the Hostia threatened to take over all of Gigornous and every citizen was against them.   The plague affected it's victims differently based on the color variant of Hostia that caused the infection. Red causes the mind to be overloaded with useless information to keep the victim's mind to be distracted till the body and the mind are fully under control. Blue variants will use cunning and deception to trick the enemy into believeing they aren't actually infected usually by tampering with the water. Since the blue variants developed natural camoflauge the victims usually didn't notice until it was too late. Green used combat to inflict minor wounds to key targets during the fight often intentionally losing the battle in order to give their enemies false security and then in a follow-up attack the new infected would attack from the inside. Green units have the highest infection rate of these three primary due to the direct injection into the bloodstream.   The Hostia developed a caste system with purple variants ranking below those previously mentioned. Purple units created Hostia structures and infected animals often becoming forced to yield any control over humanoids to red or green units. During a preliminary invasion the purple units often partially infected food or pet animals in secret so that they could be used as ambushers or mid-battle transports.   Those that remember the days of the great spires are continually grateful that those days are over, at least, for now.


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Aug 11, 2024 17:56

Not gonna lie, I read the Hostia article because it's a swear word in my language. I ended up reading this one because I got intrigued and a bit nauseated. The word doesn't make me giggle anymore so good job.

Aug 12, 2024 20:57

My apologies. I don't know what your language is. I chose it because in latin it means sacrifice and I thought it a fitting name for my alien creatures. Out of curiosity, was it the word that caused nausea, the quality of the article was poor, or the nature of the aliens?

Aug 13, 2024 05:47

No need to apologize, the nauseating part is the nature of the aliens so good job there. The language is Spanish and the reason it's a swear word is somewhat related to the latin root. I think it's a good name for your species but you might get some giggles from Spanish speaking readers.

Aug 16, 2024 21:50


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