The Shattering of Tirin

All of reality has been affected by the Shattering of Tirin and subsequent Reformation of Gigornous. When Ailu stopped SO and Zarmus' Legion, the results were less than ideal. SO and Jal Izid both survived albeit through their incorporeal forms and Zarmus managed to escape when Nal Raiis sealed away the continent of Datris.   Fortunately the Library of Darkwing Academy was sent away to the Ka'Huun Rift along with the majority of access portals to the Amethyst Star were closed off or hidden.   Ailu held power never seen before by the Tirinids and greater than all Nazdria save one. This power inside Ikiini's Vault was unstable in the hands of any but TaroNazdria and Ailu proved no exception. Attempting to stop enemies also resulted in great damage to the world.   EldWer was no longer instantaneously accessable and Galria and her forces holding back the return of Calavent were locked away with him. What reinforcements were on the way to and from Tirin to Eldwer on both sides were cut off from their Shol with lethal consequences.   Those on the surface were bombarded by light and shadow and all the Calri lost the metal they had combined with their dna. Only those Calri still on Datris or already in Eldwer survived this transformation. Much of the surface of Tirin was destroyed and enough damage was done to Tirin Prime that the core began to crack.   An explosion fractured the planet killing even more of those that remained. The last thing the Ka'Huun army and other dimensional forces saw before their realities were sealed away was the planet exploding.   Spaceships orbiting the planet were obliterated and the rest who came to conquer the world turned back assuming the planet was lost and its power and secrets too.   Ailu preserved what life she could during this cataclysmic event. Unfortunately, earthquakes continued even after she Reformed the world into Gigornous. What started as a heroic act to save the world from SO and the other invaders tragically resulted in more death. The world was saved but at what cost?
Metaphysical, Arcane


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